The Counselor Education and Supervision program posts on the program’s website on an annual basis program statistics in an accessible format. Program statistics include the following specific information for each entry-level specialty area and doctoral program: (1) the number of graduates for the past academic year, (2) pass rates on credentialing examinations, (3) completion rates, and (4) job placement rates.
The Michigan State University CACREP-accredited doctoral program in Counselor Education and Supervision had one program graduate for the 2021-2022 academic year. The pass rate on the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) credentialing examination was 100%. The program completion rate was 100%. The program post-graduation employment rate was 100%.
Annual Report
In addition to the above, details of current student and program accomplishment can be found below:
Annual Report 2021-2022
This program evaluation report is prepared for doctoral students who are active in the academic year 2021-2022 (Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022). This report provides information on the following:
- Competency in clinical counseling (program level).
- Competency in teaching (program level).
- Competency in clinical supervision (program level).
- Doctoral students’ developmental milestones (Key Performance Indicators [KPIs], preliminary exam passing rate, comprehensive exam passing rate).
- Doctoral students’ scholarship (publications, conference presentations and funding success (program level).
- Employment rate.
- Employers’ rating on the degree of preparedness as Rehabilitation Counselor Education graduates (program level).
- Additional program achievements.
1. Competency in Clinical Counseling (n=4)
Clinical Counseling Domains | Mean* |
Case Recording | 4.8 |
Individual and Group Supervision | 4.6 |
Professional Behaviors | 4.7 |
2. Competency in Teaching (n=2)
Instructional Domains (Competency areas) | Mean* |
Planning and Preparation (Knowledge of content and pedagogy; knowledge of students) | 3.9 |
Creating an Environment for Learning (Create an environment for learning; manage classroom behavior and procedures) | 4.0 |
Teaching for Learning (Communicate clearly and accurately; uses questioning and discussion techniques; engage in student learning) | 4.0 |
Professionalism (Professional collaboration and growth) | 4.5 |
3. Competency in Clinical Supervision (n=4)
Clinical Supervision Domains | Mean* |
Supervisor Competence | 3.3 |
Diversity | 3.5 |
Supervisory Relationship | 3.7 |
Professionalism | 3.5 |
Providing Assessment, Evaluation and Feedback | 3.4 |
Managing Professional Competence Problems | 3.2 |
Ethics, Legal & Regulatory Considerations | 3.2 |
4. Doctoral Students’ Developmental Milestones
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Students across all years were evaluated in the annual student review faculty meeting by all faculty members, all students successfully completed all the KPIs.
Preliminary exam: 3 students passed the exam at the first attempt (100% pass rate).
Comprehensive exam: 1 student passed the exam at the first attempt (100% pass rate).
5. Doctoral Students’ Scholarly Productivity (publications, conference presentations, funding success)
Publications (in preparation, under review, in press, published):
Kuo, H. J., Connor, A., & Yeomans, M. (under review). Users of assistive technology: the human component. In Marini, I., Bishop, M., & Fleming, A (Eds.). Psychological and Social Impact of Chronic Illness and Disability. Springer.
Kuo, H. J., Yeomans, M, & Ruiz, D. (under review). Purpose matters: Video game impacts on addiction and academic performance of students with disabilities. Games for Health.
Kuo, H. J., Yeomans, M, & Ruiz, D. (under review). Video game and disability – a benefit and risk analysis. Journal of Enabling Technologies.
Lee H.-K., Hudgins, E., Lee, G., K., Urkmez, B., & Pena, J. (under review). The development of an emotional regulation intervention for adults with ASD: A multi-informant approach. Journal of Mental Health and Training.
Lee, G. K., Lee, E. J., Rispoli, K., & Easley, T. (under review). Psychosocial issues for family caregivers. In I. Marini, M. Bishop, & A. Fleming (Eds), Psychological and Social Impact of Chronic illness and Disability (8th). Springer.
Rumrill, S., Castruita, Rios, Y., Yasuoka, M., Zhou, K., Umucu, E. (under review). Drug Abuse and Academic Adjustment in Student Veterans with Disabilities: A Parallel Mediation Study. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.
Sung, C., Connor, A., Strain, A., & Nasamran, A. (under review). Brief report: Preliminary efficacy of a manualized employment-readiness intervention for transition-age individuals with autism. Autism
Umucu, E., Castruita Rios. Y., Lo, C. L., Wang, A., Grenawalt, T., Yasuoka, M., & Brooks, J. (under review). Service-connected disability and happiness in student veterans: A parallel mediation study of PERMA. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.
Umucu, E., Kriofske Mainella, A., Ruiz, D., Yasuoka, M. (under review). Attachment, relationships, academic problems, and negative emotions in student veterans with disabilities. Journal of Counseling and Development.
Wang, A., Choi, H., Yasouka, M., Sung, C., Degeneffe, C., & Umucu, E. (under review). COVID-19 stress and problems encountered by college students with disabilities: The mediating role of the pillars of PERMA. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.
Lee, H.-K, Peña, J., Lee, B., & Sung, C. (in press). Promoting wellbeing in individuals with autism: Applying positive psychology in rehabilitation counseling. Special Issue, Journal of Rehabilitation.
Fisher, M. H., Kammes, R. R., Black, R. S., Houck, K., & Cwiakala, K. (2022). A Distance-delivered social skills program for young adults with Williams Syndrome: Evaluating feasibility and preliminary efficacy. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1–15. Advance online publication.
Umucu, E., Lee, B., Genova, H. M., Chopik, W. J., Sung, C., Yasuoka, M., & Niemiec, R. M. (2022). Character strengths across disabilities: An international exploratory study and implications for positive psychiatry and psychology. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.
Kammes, B, R., Black, R., and Easley, T. L. (2021). A Community-engaged project discovering the sexuality questions of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Inclusion 9(1), 2-16.
Pi, S., Lee, H.-K, Peña, J., & Rosadomartinez, E. (2021). Customer Satisfaction at Exit Survey Report: Fiscal Year 2019. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Pi, S., Lee, H.-K, Peña, J., & Rosadomartinez, E. (2021). Customer Satisfaction at Plan Survey Report: Fiscal Year 2019. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Pi, S., Strain, A., Lee, H, Pena, J., Rosado Martinez, E., & Choi, H. (2021). Factors related to case longevity: An investigation of cases opened over three years. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Pi, S., & Strain, A. (2021). MRS-BND satisfaction survey results: Fiscal year 2021. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Dimond, E., McKnight-Lizotte, M., Peña, J., Landon, T., Currier Kipping, K. (in preparation). “Not my job”, or is it: School counselor’s perceptions of collaboration with vocational rehabilitation counselors.
Easley, T. L., Lee, G. K., & Smith, A. (in preparation). Family communication and psychosocial outcomes of family caregivers of individuals with Neurodevelopmental disorders. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability.
Houck, K., Easley, T., & Sung, C. (in preparation). Applying family support practices to improve psychosocial outcome of family caregivers of adults with IDD: Consideration for rehabilitation counselors. Journal of Rehabilitation.
Lee, G. K., Chun, J., Kuo, H.-J., Curtiss, S., Duenas, A., Smith, A., Awadu, J., Tamiko, D., & DaWalt Smith, L. (in preparation). The development and adaptation of a family psychoeducation intervention for families of young adults with autism spectrum disorder: An implementation science perspective. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Lee, G. K., Shivers, C. M., Pena, J., Lee, H.-K., Awadu, J., Hama, H. (in preparation). Effects of emotion regulation and coping strategies among individuals with and without ASD – differentiation effect on depression and anxiety. Journal of Depression and Anxiety.
Lee, H.-K., Shivers, C. M., Lee, G. K., Pena, J., Awadu, J.,& Hama, H. (in preparation). Mediating effects of positive and negative coping between psychopathology and emotion regulation skills.
Peña, J. & Lee, G. K. (in preparation). Subjective and objective stress among young autistic adults.
Pena, J., Shivers, C. M., Lee, G. K., Awadu, J., Lee, H.-K., & Hama, H. (in preparation). Discriminant analysis of emotion regulation and coping skills as ways to cluster individuals with and without ASD.
Wang, A., Choi, H., Sung, C., & Umucu, E. (In preparation). PTSD and college dropout: The mediating role of gratitude and academic adjustment.
Note: Bolded names denote doctoral students.
Conference Presentations:
Easley, T. L. & Lee, G. K. (2022, April). Seminar Presentation. Family communication and psychosocial outcomes of family caregivers of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. National Council on Rehabilitation Education. San Diego, CA.
Rumrill, S., Castruita Rios, Y., Yasuoka, M., Aydin, Z., Umucu, E., & Zhou, K. (2022, April). Poster Presentation. Drug abuse and academic adjustment in Veterans with disabilities: A parallel mediation study. National Council on Rehabilitation Education, San Diego, CA.
Yasuoka, M., Lee. B., Ghosh, A., Urkmez, B., Aydin, Z., & Umucu, E. (2022, April). Poster Presentation. Army resilience training, stigma, and personality in student veterans with and without disabilities. National Council on Rehabilitation Education, San Diego, CA.
Yasuoka, M., & Umucu, E. (2022, April). Poster Presentation. Brain trauma on mental illness and quality of life: A multi-faceted review. National Council on Rehabilitation Education, San Diego, CA.
Strain, A., Okyere, C., & Sung, C. (2021, July). Concurrent Session. Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an employment-readiness intervention for young adults with autism. Online National Council on Rehabilitation Education, San Diego, CA.
Boyd, A., Strain, A., Lee, H, Ayeh, D., Sung, C., & Ditchman, N. (2021, June). Concurrent Session. Enhancing work-related social skills of transition-age students with autism: Perspectives from ASSET stakeholders. National Council on Rehabilitation Education, San Diego, CA.
Sung, C., Fisher, M., Okyere, C., Park, J., & Choi, H. (2021, June). Concurrent Session. Employment outcomes and support needs of Michigan Project SEARCH graduates: A mixed-method study. National Council on Rehabilitation Education, San Diego, CA.
Research Funding and Scholarships:
Adriza Caesar (Summer 2022). ($1000). Summer Research Fellowship. Parent’s perspectives on their parenting styles and involvement in transition process for their ethnic minority youths with disabilities. Faculty advisor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
Amy De Maagd (Spring 2022). ($1600). Hazel and Karen Kiser Endowed Scholarship. Faculty mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
Amy De Maagd (Spring 2022). ($1000). Graduate School College of Education of Education. Faculty mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
Anni Wang (Summer 2022). ($6000). Summer Research Development Fellowship. Impact of the pandemic on the well-being of students with disabilities. Faculty advisor: Dr. Connie Sung.
Heerak Choi (Summer 2022). ($6000). Summer Research Fellowship. Demand side employment practice among vocational rehabilitation agencies. Faculty advisor: Dr. Connie Sung.
Mizuka Yasuoka (Summer 2022). ($6000). Summer Research Development Fellowship. Developing and validating the Health Literacy Scale for persons with traumatic brain injury. Faculty advisor: Dr. Emre Umucu.
6. Employment Rate
One student successfully graduated in Spring 2022. The student secured a full-time clinician position beginning in June 2022 as a clinician and researcher at PAR Rehabilitation at East Lansing, Michigan.
7. Employers’ Rating on the Degree of Preparedness in Rehabilitation Counselor Education Graduates
Employers of graduates were followed up at 6 months (n=1)
Domains | Score* |
Counseling | Unable to rate |
Supervision | 4 |
Teaching | 4 |
Research and Scholarship | 4 |
Leadership and Advocacy | Unable to rate |
8. Additional Program Outcomes/Activities/Announcement
National Ranking: U.S. News and World Report released the new Ranking of Graduate Programs in 2019. The Rehabilitation Counseling Programs were once again ranked #1 across the U.S. out of about 100 programs nationally.
Teaching Assistantship Program: continued to offer the undergraduate service course and teaching assistant program. In 2021-2022, the program continues to offer three distinct service courses to the undergraduate population: CEP 261 Substance Abuse, CEP 470 Disability in a Diverse Society, and CEP 460 Communication Skills Training. These undergraduate teaching assistantship initiatives to graduate student TAs who are supervised by program faculty. During the three reported semesters, teaching assistantships were provided to support 10 graduate students for 39 course sections in both face-to-face and online formats and provided instruction in disability-related issues to approximately 1000 undergraduate students.
Annual Report 2020-2021
This program evaluation report is prepared for doctoral students who are active in the academic year 2020-2021 (Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021). This report provides information on the following:
- Site supervision’s clinical evaluation on student practicum performance (program level);
- Doctoral students’ self-appraisal on teaching (program level);
- Doctoral students’ developmental milestones (KPIs, preliminary exam passing rate, comprehensive exam passing rate);
- Doctoral student’s scholarship (publications, conference presentations and funding success (program level);
- Employment rate;
- Employers’ rating on the degree of preparedness as a Rehabilitation Counselor Education graduates (program level);
- Student exit survey (college level);
- Additional program achievements.
1. Site supervisor’s clinical evaluation on student practicum performance (n=4)
Data being collected.
2. Doctoral students’ self-appraisal on teaching (n=4)
Data being collected.
3. Doctoral students’ developmental milestones
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Students across all years were evaluated in the annual student review faculty meeting by all faculty members, all students successfully completed all the KPIs.
Preliminary exam: 1 student passed the exam in the first attempt (100% pass rate).
Comprehensive exam: 1 student passed the exam in the first attempt (100% pass rate).
4. Doctoral students’ scholarly productivity (publications, conference presentations, research funding)
Publications (in preparation, under review, in press, published):Publications (in preparation, under review, in press, published)
- Awadu, J. Shivers, C. M., Lee, G. K., Lee, H.-K., Pena, J., & Hama, H. (in preparation). Gender differences of the use of the Autism Quotient in differentiation individuals with and without ASD. Dimond, E., McKnight-Lizotte, M., Peña, J., Landon, T., Currier Kipping, K. (in preparation). “Not my job”, or is it: School counselor’s perceptions of collaboration with vocational rehabilitation counselors.
- Easley, T., Lee, G. K., & Smith, A. (in preparation). Communication styles and correlates among quality of life among caregivers of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan.
- Houck, K., Easley, T., & Sung, C. (in preparation). Applying family support practices to improve
- psychosocial outcome of family caregivers of adults with IDD: Consideration for rehabilitation counselors. Journal of Rehabilitation.
- Lee, H.-K., Shivers, C. M., Lee, G. K., Pena, J., Awadu, J., & Hama, H. (in preparation). Mediating effects of positive and negative coping between psychopathology and emotion regulation skills.
- Lee, H.-K., Pena, J., & Lee, G., K. (in preparation). Mediational analysis of coping between stress and quality of life among students with disabilities – a period of the pandemic.
- Lee, G. K., Chun, J., Kuo, H.-J., Curtiss, S., Duenas, A., Smith, A., Awadu, J., Tamiko, D., & DaWalt Smith, A. (in preparation). The development and adaptation of a family psychoeducation intervention for families of young adults with autism spectrum disorder: An implementation science perspective.
- Lee, G. K., Shivers, C. M., Pena, J., Lee, H.-K., Awadu, J., Hama, H. (in preparation). Effects of emotion regulation and coping strategies among individuals with and without ASD – differentiation effect on depression and anxiety. Journal of Depression and Anxiety.
- Pena, J., Shivers, C. M., Lee, G. K., Awadu, J., Lee, H.-K., & Hama, H. (in preparation). Discriminant analysis of emotion regulation and coping skills as ways to cluster individuals with and without ASD.
- Strain, A.,& Nerlich, A. (in preparation). Building sustainable counselor self-care practices and resilience through self-reflection instruction in counselor training programs. Targeted for Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision.
- Strain, A., & Sung, C. (in preparation). Employment success: A Delphi study identifying soft skills and employment-readiness skills for transition-age youth with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
- Awadu, J., Lee, G. K., & Curtiss, S. (under review). Caregiving Challenges, Service Needs, Impact and Future Care for Autism in Uganda. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education.
- Chun, J., Kuo, H.-J., Curtiss, S., Lee, G. K., Lee, H.-K., & Awadu, J. (under review). Supports and barriers faced by parents, practitioners and individuals with autism. Disability and Rehabilitation. Lee H.-K., Hudgins, E., Lee, G., K., Urkmez, B., & Pena, J. (under review). The development of an emotional regulation intervention for adults with ASD: A multi-informant approach. Journal of Mental Health and Training.
- Lee, H-K, Lee, G. K., Chun, J., Kuo, H.-J., Curtiss, S., & Okeyere, C. (under review). Effects of the transition process to adulthood on autistic young adults and the parents. Family Process.
- Sung, C., Connor, A., Strain, A., & Nasamran, A. (under review). Brief report: Preliminary efficacy of a manualized employment-readiness intervention for transition-age individuals with autism. Autism.
- Lee, H.-K, Peña, J., Lee, B., & Sung, C. (in press). Promoting wellbeing in individuals with autism: Applying positive psychology in rehabilitation counseling. Special Issue, Journal of Rehabilitation.
- Kammes, B, R., Black, R., & Easley, T. L., (2021). A community-engaged project discovering the sexuality questions of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Inclusion 9(1), 2-16.
- Lee, G. K., Curtiss, S., Kuo, H.-J., Chun, J., Lee, H., & Ami-Narh, D. (2021). The role of acceptance in the transition to adulthood: A multi-informant comparison of practitioners, families, and youth with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
- Pi, S., Lee, H., Peña, J., & Rosadomartinez, E. (2021). Customer Satisfaction at Exit Survey Report: Fiscal Year 2019. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- Pi, S., Lee, H., Peña, J., & Rosadomartinez, E. (2021). Customer Satisfaction at Plan Survey Report: Fiscal Year 2019. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- Pi, S., & Strain, A. (2021). MRS-BND Satisfaction Survey Results: Fiscal Year 2021. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- Renauer, R. (2021). Strategic Approaches to Inclusive Education: Moving Closer to Desirable Life Outcomes for Students with Disabilities. in T.S. Ransaw & B. Boggs (Eds.) Emerging Trends in Education Policy: Unapologetic progressive conversations (2021). Information Age Publishing.
- Leahy, M., Pi, S., Iyioke, I., Ami-Narh, D., Awadu, J., Lee, H., Peña, J. (2020). Statewide Comprehensive Needs Assessment Michigan Disability Statistics. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- Leahy, M.J., Pi, S., Iyioke, I., Strain, A., Lee, H., Peña, J., & Rosadomartinez, E. (2020). Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- Pi, S., & Strain, A. (2020). MRS-BND Satisfaction Survey Results: Fiscal Year 2020. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- Curtiss, G. K. Lee, G., K., Chun, J., Lee, H.-K., Kuo, H.-J., & Ami-Narh, D. (2020). Autistic young adults, parents, and practitioners’ expectations of the transition to adulthood. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 1-12. doi:10.1177/2165143420967662.
Note: Bolded names denote doctoral students.
Conference Presentations
- Chun, J., Kuo, H.-J., Curtiss, S., Lee, G. K., Lee, H.-K, & Awadu, J. (July 2021). Transition supports and barriers: Perspectives from youth with autism, parents, and practitioners. Session presented at 22th Annual Meeting of the National Council on Rehabilitation Education (virtual meeting due to COVID pandemic).
- Strain, A., Okeyere, C., & Sung, C. (July 2021). Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an employment-readiness intervention for young adults with autism [Seminar presentation]. National Council of Rehabilitation Educators Summer Conference (online).
- Boyd, A., Strain, A, Lee, H.-K., Ayeh, D., Sung, C., & Ditchman, N. (June 2021). Enhancing work-related social skills of transition-age students with autism: Perspectives from ASSET stakeholders Oral presentation at the National Council of Rehabilitation Educators Summer Conference (online).
- Chun, J., Kuo, H. J., Curtiss, C., Lee, G. K., Lee, H.-K., & Awadu, J. (June 2021). Transition Supports and Barriers: Perspectives from Youth with Autism, Parents, and Practitioners. National Council on Rehabilitation Education, Online Conference. (Concurrent session)
- Datti, P., Lu, J., Herrick, S., Yalamanchilli, P., Stevens, R., Pan, D., & Lee, H. (June 2021). From Students to Full Professors: Career Trajectories of Rehabilitation Educators and Counselor Colleagues in Academia. Panel session presented at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, Online Conference.
- Lee, G. K., Chun, J., Curtiss, S., Kuo, H.-J., Awadu, J., Duenas, A., Smith, A., Lee, H.-K., Nimako, D. (January 2021). The development, initial feasibility and efficacy of a family psychoeducation intervention for families of transition-age young adults with autism. Presentation accepted to be presented at the 22nd International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disabilities. Clearwater, FL.
- Lee, G. K., Curtiss, S., Kuo, H.-J., Chun, J., Lee, H.-K., Nimako, D (January 2021). The role of acceptance in the transition to adulthood: A multi-informant comparison of practitioners, families and youth with autism. Presentation accepted to be presented at the 22nd International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disabilities. Clearwater, FL.
- Awadu, J. E., Lee, G. K., & Curtiss, S. L. (July 2020). Caregiving challenges, service needs, impact and future care for autism in Uganda. Poster presented at 20th Annual Meeting of the National Council on Rehabilitation Education (virtual meeting due to COVID pandemic).
- Lee, H.-K., & Lee, G. K. (July 2020). Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills training on emotion regulation for transitioning individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at 20th Annual Meeting of the National Council on Rehabilitation Education (virtual meeting due to COVID pandemic).
- Fisher, M.H., Kammes, R., Houck, K., Black, R., Olger, M., & Josol, C.K. (June 2020). Designing a distance-delivered social skills training program to enhance service outreach for adults with Williams syndrome. A poster presented at the 144th Annual Meeting of American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Sung, C., & Houck, K. (2020, June). Development of a tool for assessing work-related social knowledge and performance among youth with Autism. A poster presented at the 144th Annual Meeting of American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Sung, C., & Houck, K. (2020, April). Developing a performance-based assessment of workplace social competence for youth with autism. A concurrent presentation delivered at the Spring 2020 Conference of the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, San Diego, CA.
Research Funding
- Brenna Breshears: Dept of Education Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Summer 2021). $7000.00. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Connie Sung.
- Heerak Choi: Summer Research Development Fellowship, College of Education (Summer 2021). Employers’ perspectives who participated in work-based learning programs: Comparison between Project SEARCH and other work-based learning programs. ($6000). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Connie Sung.
- Heekyung Lee: Dissertation Completion Fellowship, College of Education (Summer 2021). The feasibility and efficacy of DBT skills on emotional regulation for young adults with autism spectrum disorder ($2,250). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee
- Alicia Strain: Dissertation Completion Fellowship, College of Education (Summer 2021). Employment Success: Feasibility, Social Validity & Preliminary Reliability of Employability Skills Assessments for Transition-age Individuals with Autism. ($7000). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Connie Sung.
- Jarhed Pena: Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Spring 2021). Subjective and Objective Stress of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder ($7,000). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee. Jarhed Pena: Summer Research Fellowship College of Education (Spring 2020). Stress Status of Young Adults with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder ($2,500). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
Employment rate
One student successfully graduated in Spring 2021. Two students graduated in the summer 2021 and immediately transitioned to a full-time tenure track faculty position in August 2021 at University of Memphis and University of Texas El Paso.
Employers’ rating on the degree of preparedness in Rehabilitation Counselor Education graduates – in process
In 2019-2020, employers of 4 graduates from the doctoral program were rated, employer’s 6-month follow-up evaluation (n=4)
Data to be collected.
Student exit survey
Data to be collected.
Additional Program Outcomes/Activities/Announcement
National Ranking: U.S. News and World Report released the new Ranking of Graduate Programs in 2019. The Rehabilitation Counseling Programs were once again ranked NUMBER ONE in the NATION out of about 100 programs nationally.
Teaching Assistant Program: We continued to offer the undergraduate service course and teaching assistant program. In 2020-2021, the program continues to offer three distinct service courses to the undergraduate population: CEP 261 Substance Abuse, CEP 470 Disability in a Diverse Society, and CEP 460 Communication Skills Training. These undergraduate teaching assistantship initiatives to graduate student TAs who are supervised by program faculty. During the three reported semesters, teaching assistantships were provided to support 14 graduate students for 40 course sections in both face-to-face and online formats, and provided instruction in disability-related issues to approximately 1000 undergraduate students.
Hire: We hired two full-time faculty, Dr. Emre Umucu and Dr. Beatrice Lee.
Annual Report 2019-2020
This program evaluation report is prepared for doctoral students who were active in the academic year 2019-2020. This report provides information on the following:
- Site supervisors’ clinical evaluation on student practicum performance (program level);
- Doctoral students’ self-appraisal on teaching (program level);
- Doctoral students’ developmental milestones (KPIs, preliminary exam passing rate, comprehensive exam passing rate);
- Doctoral students’ scholarly productivity (publications, conference presentations and funding) (program level);
- Employment rate;
- Employers’ rating on the degree of preparedness as a Rehabilitation Counselor Education graduate (program level);
- Student exit survey (college level);
- Additional program achievements.
1. Site supervisors’ clinical evaluation on student practicum performance
No doctoral students were enrolled in practicum.
2. Doctoral students’ self-appraisal on teaching (n=12)
Rating: 5=Exceptional; 4=Above Average; 3=Average; 2=Below Average; 1=Poor
Items | Ratings |
How would you rate your performance in following: | Mean (SD) |
1 Ability to engage and maintain effective relationships with students in the classroom. | 4.5 (0.8) |
2 Using teaching methods and techniques that promoted students interest in learning subject matter. | 4.1 (0.7) |
3 Providing instruction that presented an intellectual challenge to students. | 3.8 (0.4) |
4 Providing ample opportunities for students to ask questions and express opinions about their learning. | 4.5 (0.8) |
5 Providing effective feedback to students to facilitate their learning. | 4.2 (0.7) |
6 Utilizing allotted class time to meet the learning objective(s). | 4.2 (0.6) |
7 Organizing and developing course content that facilitates learning. | 4.3 (0.8) |
8 Integrating technology into course to facilitate learning. | 4.3 (0.8) |
Please rate your experience in the following areas: (5 = more than sufficient, exceptional support; 4 = sufficient with support; 3 = average or about right; 2 = some but less than sufficient; 1 = none was provided | |
9 Preparation and training prior to teaching this semester. | 4.4 (0.5) |
3. Doctoral students’ developmental milestones
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Students across all years were evaluated in the annual student review faculty meeting by all faculty members, all students successfully completed all the KPIs.
Preliminary exam: 2 students passed the exam in the first attempt (100% pass rate).
Comprehensive exam: 4 students passed the exam in the first attempt (100% pass rate).
4. Doctoral students’ scholarly productivity (publications, conference presentations, research funding)
Scholarly Writing (in preparation, under-review, in-press, published):
- Awadu, J., Lee, G. K., & Curtiss, S. (in preparation). Challenges, coping and support needs for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in Uganda.
- Houck, K., Easley, T., & Sung, C. (in preparation). Applying family support practices to improve psychosocial outcome of family caregivers of adults with IDD: Consideration for rehabilitation counselors. Journal of Rehabilitation.
- Leahy, M., Pi, S., Iyioke, I., Ami-Narh, D., Awadu, J., Lee, H., & Pena, J. (in preparation). Customer satisfaction at plan report. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- Lee, G. K., Curtiss, S., Kuo, H.-J., Chun, J., Lee, H.-K., & Ami-Narh, D. (in preparation). The role of acceptance in the transition to adulthood: A multi- informant comparison of practitioners, families, and youth with autism.
- Lee, H., Hudgins, E., Lee, G. K., Urkmez, B., Peña, J. (in preparation). Development of skills improvement on emotion regulation for adults.
- Lee, H., Lee, G. K., Chun, J., Kuo, H. -J., Curtiss, S., & Okyere, C. (in preparation). The lived experience of transitioning to adulthood: Perspectives of young adults with ASD, parents, and practitioners.
- Lee, H., Lee, G. K., Curtiss, S., Chun, J., Kuo, H.-J., & Awadu, J. (in preparation). College student’s perspectives on the impact of having autism spectrum disorder. Lee, H., Peña, J., & Sung, C. (in preparation). Promoting wellbeing in individuals with autism: Applying positive psychology in rehabilitation counseling. Special Issue, Journal of Rehabilitation.
- Strain, A., & Sung, C. (in preparation). Employment success: Using a Delphi strategy to develop employment-readiness assessment tools for transition-age youth with autism.
- Sung, C., Connor, A., Strain, A., & Nasamran, A. (in preparation). Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an employment-readiness intervention for transition-age individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
- Sung, C., Lee, G. K., Han, J., Lee, H., & Breshears, B. (in preparation). Development and implementation of work-related social skills intervention for individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
- Curtiss, S., Lee, G. K., Chun, J., Lee, H.-K., Kuo, H. J., & Ami-Narh, D. (under review). Autistic young adults, parents, and practitioners expectations of the transition to adulthood. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals.
- Landon, T. J., McKnight-Lizotte, M., Connor, A., & Pena, J. (in press). Rehabilitation counseling in rural settings: A phenomenological study on barriers and supports. Journal of Rehabilitation.
- Kammes, B, R., Black, R., & Easley, T. L. (in press). A community-engaged project discovering the sexuality questions of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Inclusion.
- Boivin, M. J., Augustinavicius, J. L., Familiar-Lopez, I., Murray, S. M., Sikorskii, A., Awadu, J., Nakasujja, N., & Bass, J. K. (2020). Early Childhood Development Caregiver Training and Neurocognition of HIV-Exposed Ugandan Siblings. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 41(3), 221–229.
- Pi, S., Iyioke, I., Strain, A., Lee, H., Pena, J., & Rosado Martinez, E. (2020). Michigan Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment Report. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- Zeng, S., Strain, A., & Sung, C. (2020). Health care transition services and adaptive and social-emotional outcomes of youth with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi:10.1007/s10803-020-04564-7
- Athamanah, L. S., Josol, C. K., Ayeh, D., Fisher, M. H., & Sung, C. (2019). Understanding friendships and promoting friendship development through peer mentoring for individuals with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- Connor, A., Sung, C., Strain, A., Zeng, T., & Fabrizi, S. (2019). Building skills, confidence, and wellness: Psychosocial effects of soft skills training for young adults with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
- Levine, A., & Breshears, B. (2019). Discrimination at every turn: An intersectional ecological lens for rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Psychology. Advance online publication.
- Levine, A., Sung, C., & Strain, A. (2019). Gatekeeping in Master ’s level rehabilitation counseling programs: An exploratory study. The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 12(2).
- Welch, T.E., Lachmar, M, S., Leija, G., Easley, T, L., Blow, Adrian, J., and Wittenborn, A, K. (2019). Establishing safety in de-escalation in emotionally focused couple therapy: A single-case process study. Journal of marital and family therapy 45(4), 621-634.
Note: Bolded names denote doctoral students.
Conference Presentations
- Curtiss, S., Lee, G. K., Kuo, H.-J., Chun, J., Lee, H., Ami-Narh, D., & Awadu, J. (November 2019). Youth on the autism spectrum, parents, and practitioners’ perspectives on navigating the transition to adulthood. Session presented at the annual National Council on Family Relations. Fort Worth, TX.
- Lee, G. K., Chun, J., Curtiss, S., Kuo, H.-J., Ami-Narh, D., Awadu, J., Duenas, A., Smith, A., & Lee, H. (September 2019). The development, initial feasibility, and efficacy of a family psychoeducation intervention for families of transition-age young adults with autism. Poster presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Daughters of Charity Technology and Research into Disability Research Institute, Dublin, Ireland.
- Renauer, R. (September 2019) Spiraling Up: The Ethics of Effective Self Care for the Helping Professional. A poster presented at DOCTRID VI Conference, Galway, Ireland.
- Strain, A., & Sung, C. (September 2019). Employment success: Assessment tools for measuring employment-related skill development for young adults with ASD. A poster presented at the DOCTRID VI Conference, Galway, Ireland.
- Lee, H., Lee, G. K., & Lee, E. (July 2020). Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills training on emotion regulation for transitioning individuals with autism spectrum disorders. A poster presented at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education [online], San Diego, CA.
- Okyere, C., Strain, A., Sung, C., Nasamran, A., & Connor, A. (June 2020). Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an employment-readiness intervention for transition-age individuals with autism [Poster presentation]. American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. (Accepted but not presented due to limitations imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic).
- Awadu, J., Lee, G. K., & Curtiss, L. (May 2020). Caregiving Challenges, Service Needs, Impact & Future Care for Autism in Uganda. A poster presented at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education Online Conference.
- Strain, A., Okyere, C., Sung, C., Nasamran, A., & Connor, A. (April 2020). Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an employment-readiness intervention for young adults with autism [Seminar presentation]. National Council of Rehabilitation Educators Spring Conference, San Diego, California. (Accepted but not presented due to limitations imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic).
- Boza, L. & Renauer, R. (February 2020) Post secondary accommodations at two and four year colleges. A workshop presented at the 57th Annual Learning Disabilities Association International Conference, Orlando Florida.
- Kammes, B, R. & Easley, L.T. (February 2020). How to talk about sex: Questions of adults with IDD about sexuality. A web roundtable presented at the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD).
- Renauer, R. (February 2020) Spiraling Up:The Ethics of Effective Self Care for the Helping Professional. A workshop presented at the 57th Annual Learning Disabilities Association International Conference, Orlando Florida.
Research Funding
- Trisha Easley (Summer 2020). Relationships among caregiving stress, Family caregiver interaction styles and impact on family caregivers of adults with neurodevelopmental disorders. College of Education, Summer Research Development Fellowship ($5,000). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
- Jorem Awadu (Summer 2020). Validation of autism screening assessments: Comparison of the Social Communication Questionnaire, Social Responsiveness Scale and 23-Q with DSM- 5 in assessing for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Uganda. College of Education, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Michigan State University. Dissertation Completion Fellowship ($6000). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
- Brenna Breshears (Spring 2020). Process and Relationships within Mandated Counseling: A phenomenological study of the drug court lived experience ($2,450). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Connie Sung.
- Heekyung Lee (Spring 2020). Implementing Skills Improvement on Emotion Regulation for Adults (SIERA). College of Education Dissertation and Research Practicum Fellowship ($1,900). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
- Jarhed Pena (Spring 2020). Stress Status of College Students with and without Disability ($2500). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
- Alicia Strain (Spring 2020). Evaluating the Feasibility and Psychometric Properties of Employment Success Assessments for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder ($3,000). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Connie Sung.
- Jorem Awadu (Fall 2019). Validation of autism screening assessments: Comparison of the Social Communication Questionnaire, Social Responsiveness Scale and 23-Q with DSM- 5 in assessing for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Uganda. College of Education, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Michigan State University. Research Practicum Fellowship ($1,500). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
- Heekyung Lee (Fall 2019). Implementing Pilot Study of Skills Improvement on Emotion Regulation for Adults (SIERA). The Dykstra Family Research Endowment in Education ($2600). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee. In April of 2020, 2 doctoral students were funded to attend the online National Council on Rehabilitation Education conference in San Diego, California. Students and faculty presented at the conference.
5. Employment rate
Four students successfully graduated in Summer 2020, one acquired a part-time post-doctoral position at the Department of Psychiatry at Michigan State University, one acquired a full-time position as a chief executive officer at Neuro Challenge Foundation in Florida, and two worked as full-time counselor/manager position at Michigan Rehabilitation Services and Bureau of Services for Blind Persons in Michigan.
6. Employers’ rating on the degree of preparedness in Rehabilitation Counselor Education graduates (6-month follow-up)
In 2018-2019, one student graduated and obtained a faculty position, employer’s follow-up rating was conducted 6 months after the graduate worked in the setting.
Rating: 1=Exceptional; 2=Above Average; 3=Average; 4=Below Average; 5=Poor
Items | Ratings |
Please indicate the degree to which the MSU Rehabilitation Counselor Education PhD program graduate was prepared in the following areas: | Mean (SD) |
1. Counseling | NA* |
2. Supervision | NA* |
3. Teaching | 1.0 |
4. Research and Scholarship | NA* |
5. Leadership and Advocacy | NA* |
Employer only rated one item as it was a teaching-focused position that other responsibilities have not been expected at the time of the completion of the survey.
7. Student exit survey
The College did not proceed with student exit survey due to COVID-19.
8. Additional Program Outcomes/Activities/Announcement
National Ranking: U.S. News and World Report released the new Ranking of Graduate Programs in 2019. The Rehabilitation Counseling Programs were once again ranked NUMBER ONE in the NATION out of about 100 programs nationally.
Teaching Assistant Program: We continued to offer the undergraduate service course and teaching assistant program. In 2020, the program continues to offer three distinct service courses to the undergraduate population: CEP 261 Substance Abuse, CEP 470 Disability in a Diverse Society, and CEP 460 Communication Skills Training. These undergraduate teaching assistantship initiatives for graduate student TAs were supervised by program faculty. During the Fall 2019, Spring 2020, and Summer 2020 teaching assistantships were provided to support 14 graduate students for 38 course sections in both face-to-face and online formats, and provided instruction in disability-related issues to approximately 950 undergraduate students.
Hiring: We successfully hired a full-time tenure-track faculty, Dr. Hung Jen Kuo.
Annual Report 2018-2019
This program evaluation report is prepared for doctoral students who are active in the academic year 2018-2019. This report provides information on the following:
- Practicum student’s rating on clinical site and supervision (program level);
- Doctoral students’ self-appraisal on teaching (program level);
- Doctoral students’ developmental milestones (KPIs, preliminary exam passing rate, comprehensive exam passing rate)
- Doctoral student’s scholarship (publications, conference presentations and funding success (program level);
- Employment rate;
- Employers’ rating on the degree of preparedness as a Rehabilitation Counselor Education graduates (program level);
- Student exit survey (college level);
- Additional program achievements.
1. Clinical practicum site supervisor’s satisfaction with doctoral students in clinical settings (n=1)
Rating: 5=Very Satisfaction/Likely; 1=Very Dissatisfied/Unlikely
Items | Ratings |
1. Explained their role as a supervisor | 5 |
2. Provided mentoring and assistance towards meeting my goals | 5 |
3. Demonstrated appropriate ethical practice and behaviors | 4 |
4. Met with me regularly to provide feedback and discuss my progress | 4 |
5. Was prepared and organized | 5 |
6. Was attentive and effectively addressed my questions and needs | 5 |
7. Was committed to their role as a supervisor | 5 |
8. Served as an appropriate role model | 4 |
2. Doctoral students’ self-appraisal on teaching (n=8)
Rating: 5=Exceptional; 4=Above Average; 3=Average; 2=Below Average; 1=Poor
Items | Ratings | |
How would you rate your performance in following: | Mean (SD) | Rating % |
1 Ability to engage and maintain effective relationships with students in the classroom | 4.63 (0.70) | 3 (12.5%) 4 (12.5%) 5 (75.0%) |
2 Using teaching methods and techniques that promoted students interest in learning subject matter. | 4.38 (0.48) | 4 (62.5%) 5 (37.5%) |
3 Providing instruction that presented an intellectual challenge to students. | 3.88 (0.33) | 3 (12.5%) 4 (87.5%) |
4 Providing ample opportunities for students to ask questions and express opinions about their learning | 4.63 (0.70) | 3 (12.5%) 4 (12.5%) 5 (75.0%) |
5 Providing effective feedback to students to facilitate their learning | 4.25 (0.66) | 3 (12.5%) 4 (50.0%) 5 (37.5%) |
6 Utilizing allotted class time to meet the learning objective(s) | 4.25 (0.43) | 4 (75.0%) 5 (25.0%) |
7 Organizing and developing course content that facilitates learning | 4.50 (0.50) | 4 (50.0%) 5 (50.0%) |
8 Integrating technology into course to facilitate learning | 4.13 (0.78) | 4 (37.5%) 5 (37.5%) |
Please rate your experience in the following areas: (5 = more than sufficient, exceptional support; 4 = sufficient with support; 3 = average or about right; 2 = some but less than sufficient; 1 = none was provided | ||
9 Preparation and training prior to teaching this semester | 4.63 (0.48) | 4 (37.5%) 5 (62.5%) |
3. Doctoral students developmental milestones
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Students across all years were evaluated in the annual student review faculty meeting by all faculty members, all students successfully completed all the KPIs.
Preliminary exam: 5 students passed the exam in the first attempt (100% pass rate).
Comprehensive exam: 5 students passed the exam in the first attempt (100% pass rate). One student took the exam at the second attempt and passed.
4. Doctoral students’ scholarly productivity (Scholarly publications, conference presentations, research scholarship)
Publications (published, in press, under-review, in preparation):
Awadu, J., Lee, G. K., & Curtiss, S. (in preparation). Challenges, coping and support needs for parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Uganda.
Leahy, M., Pi, S., Iyioke, I., Ami-Narh, D., Awadu, J., Lee, H., & Pena, J. (in preparation). Customer Satisfaction at Plan Report. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Lee, G. K., Chun, J., Curtiss, S., Kuo, H. J., Ami-Narh, D., & Awadu, J. (in preparation). Service needs for caregivers of transition-age individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder – A comparative qualitative analysis between caregivers and practitioners.
Lee, H., Lee, G. K., Curtiss, S., Chun, J., Kuo, H.-J., & Awadu, J. (in preparation). College student’s perspectives on the impact of having autism spectrum disorder.
Sung, C., Lee, G. K., Han, J., Lee, H., & Breshears, B. (in preparation). Development and implementation of work-related social skills intervention for individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
Zeng, S., Strain, A., Sung, C. (in preparation). Health care transition services and adaptive and social-emotional outcomes of youth with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Landon, T. J., McKnight-Lizotte, M., Connor, A., & Pena, J. (in press). Rehabilitation counseling in rural settings: A phenomenological study on barriers and supports. Journal of Rehabilitation.
Athamanah, L. S., Josol, C. K., Ayeh, D., Fisher, M. H., & Sung, C. (2019). Understanding friendships and promoting friendship development through peer mentoring for individuals with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Connor, A., Sung, C., Strain, A., Zeng, T., & Fabrizi, S. (2019). Building skills, confidence, and wellness: Psychosocial effects of soft skills training for young adults with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Levine, A., & Breshears, B. (2019). Discrimination at every turn: An intersectional ecological lens for rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Psychology. Advance online publication. Doi:
Levine, A., Sung, C., & Strain, A. (2019). Gatekeeping in Master ’s level rehabilitation counseling programs: An exploratory study. The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 12(2).
Iyioke, I., Pi, S., Ami-Narh, D., Awadu, J., & Lee, H., (2018). Customer Satisfaction at Exit Survey Report: Fiscal year 2017. Project Excellence, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Note: Bolded names denote doctoral students.
Conference presentations:
- Danielle Ami-Narh: Cultural Adaptation of Intervention: A resource for transporting evidence-based interventions across borders.
- Danielle Ami-Narh: Family perspectives on web-based transition information for individuals with autism.
- Jorem Awadu: Challenges and strategies for clinical supervision for international students in rehabilitation counseling.
- Brenna Breshears: Collaborative disability interventions: Impacts of the ASSET program on returning citizen populations.
- Brenna Breshears: Empowerment and job readiness: Preliminary findings of soft skill training within re-entry populations.
- Kristin Houck: Building skills and confidence: Effects of soft skills and employment readiness skills training for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- Heekyung Lee, Jorem Awadu: College students’ perspectives on the impact of having Autism Spectrum Disorder: A preliminary study.
- Allison Levine: Assessment as growth: The working alliance and evaluation of CACREP professional dispositions.
- Allison Levine: Mitigating ableism in undergraduate classrooms: The intersection of empathy and implicit bias.
- Allison Levine: The removal of subminimum wage & quality of life: A qualitative exploration.
- Allison Levine: New career in rehabilitation education panel.
- Rosanne Renauer: Spiraling Up: The ethics of self-care.
- Alicia Strain: Employment success: Assessment tools for measuring employment-related skill development for young adults with ASD.
- Alicia Strain, Rosanne Renauer, Jorem Awadu, Adriza Caeser, Sarah Grivetti, & Brenna Breshears Leading the Future: Designing a CACREP master’s level curriculum in rehabilitation counseling: Preparing stewards of the discipline.
- Alicia Strain: Assessing soft skills and employment-readiness skills for young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- Alicia Strain: Translating research to practice: Implementing evidence-based interventions using the RE-AIM framework.
- Bilal Urkmez: Overcoming barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice in rehabilitation counseling: A qualitative study.
Research scholarships:
- Danielle Ami-Narh (Spring 2018). Cultural Adaptation of the Transition Together Intervention ® for Caregivers of Adolescents with Autism in Ghana. Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, College of Education, Michigan State University. Research Practicum Fellowship ($1550). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
- Danielle Ami-Narh (Summer 2019). Cultural Adaptation of the Transition Together Intervention ® for Caregivers of Adolescents with Autism in Ghana. Graduate School, Michigan State University. Dissertation Completion Fellowship ($7000). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
- Jorem Awadu (Summer 2019). Validation of Autism Screening Assessments: Comparison of the Social Communication Questionnaire, Social Responsiveness Scale and 23-Q with DSM- 5 in Assessing for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Uganda. College of Education, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Michigan State University. Summer Research Development Fellowship ($10,000). Faculty Co-Mentors: Dr. Gloria Lee and Dr. Martin Volker.
- Jorem Awadu (Fall 2019). Validation of autism screening assessments: Comparison of the Social Communication Questionnaire, Social Responsiveness Scale and 23-Q with DSM- 5 in assessing for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Uganda. College of Education, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Michigan State University. Research Practicum Fellowship ($1,500). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
- Brenna Breshears (Spring, 2019). Employment Readiness for Adjudicated Youth. College of Education, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Michigan State University. Dissertation Practicum Fellowship ($1,000). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Connie Sung.
- Adriza Caeser (Spring 2018). Perception of Barriers to Parental Involvement for Transition-Aged Minority Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. College of Education, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Michigan State University. Research Practicum Fellowship ($1,200). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
- Amy Heathfield (Spring 2018). Comparison of Two Types of Mirror Therapies: Mirror Box versus Functional Activity Mirror Using Mixed Methodology. College of Education, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Michigan State University. Dissertation Practicum Fellowship ($1,200). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
- Kristin Houck (Summer 2019). Factors Contributing to the Discrepancy in Quality Service Provision. College of Education, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Michigan State University. Summer Research Development Fellowship ($6,000). Faculty Mentors: Dr. Connie Sung.
- Allison Levine (Spring 2018). Assessment as Growth: Teaching the Working Alliance through Systematic Evaluation of Professional Dispositions in Counselor Education. Graduate School, Michigan State University. Dissertation Completion Fellowship ($7000). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Connie Sung.
- Allison Levine (Spring 2018). Validating the Dispositional Development Scale. Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs. Student Research Funding (Dissertation Completion Fellowship ($488). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Connie Sung.
- Alicia Strain (Spring 2018). Soft Skills and Employment-Readiness Skills Assessments for Transition-age Youth with ASD: A Delphi Study. College of Education, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Michigan State University. Research Practicum Fellowship ($1,737). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Connie Sung. Alicia Strain (Spring, 2019). Evaluating the Feasibility of a Soft Skills Assessment for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. College of Education, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Michigan State University. Dissertation Practicum Fellowship ($2,021). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Connie Sung
- Heekyung Lee (Spring 2019). Development of Emotion Regulation Intervention for Young Adults with ASD. College of Education, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Michigan State University. Dissertation and Research Practicum Fellowship ($2,300). Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
- Heekyung Lee (Fall, 2019). Implementing Pilot Study of Skills Improvement on Emotion Regulation for Adults (SIERA). The Dykstra Family Research Endowment in Education. $2600. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gloria Lee.
In November of 2018, 20 master’s and doctoral students were funded to attend the Re:Con conference.
In April of 2019, 10 doctoral students were funded to attend the National Council on Rehabilitation Education conference in San Diego, California. Students and faculty presented at the conference.
5. Employment rate
One (1) student successfully graduated in 2019 in summer 2019 and immediately transitioned to a full-time tenure track faculty position in August 2019.
6. Employers’ rating on the degree of preparedness in Rehabilitation Counselor Education graduates
In 2017-2018, employers of 4 graduates from the doctoral program were rated, employer’s follow-up rating was conducted 6 months after graduates worked in the setting (n=5).
Items | Ratings | |
Please indicate the degree to which the MSU Rehabilitation Counselor Education PhD program graduate was prepared in the following areas: | Mean (SD) | Rating % |
1. Counseling | *5.00 (0.00) NA | 4 (75%) NA (25%) |
2. Supervision | *5.00 (0.00) NA | 4 (75%) NA (25%) |
3. Teaching | 5.00 (0.00) | 5 (100%) |
4. Research and Scholarship | *5.00 (0.00) NA | 4 (75%) NA (25%) |
5. Leadership and Advocacy | *5.00 (0.00) NA | 4 (75%) NA (25%) |
* One employer rated “NA” for items 1, 2, 4, and 5.
7. Student exit survey
Due to administrative issues, the 2018-2019 student exit survey was not available.
8. Additional Program Outcomes/Activities/Announcement
National Ranking: U.S. News and World Report released the new Ranking of Graduate Programs in 2019. The Rehabilitation Counseling Programs were once again ranked NUMBER ONE in the NATION out of about 100 programs nationally.
Teaching Assistant Program: We continued to offer the undergraduate service course and teaching assistant program. In 2019, the program continues to offer three distinct service courses to the undergraduate population: CEP 261 Substance Abuse, CEP 470 Disability in a Diverse Society, and CEP 460 Communication Skills Training. These undergraduate teaching assistantship initiative to graduate student TAs who are supervised by program faculty. During the summer 2018, fall 2018, and spring 2019, teaching assistantships were provided to support 16 graduate students for 43 course sections in both face-to-face and online formats, and provided instruction in disability-related issues to approximately 950 undergraduate students.
Community-based Conference and Outreach: May 15, 2019, our programs convened the Nancy Crewe Memorial Symposium with Peckham, Inc. The purpose of the Nancy Crewe Memorial Symposium is to illuminate and advance the status of persons with disabilities as contributors in today’s workforce. This symposium addressed the status, the potential for upward mobility and career advancement, the supports required and the best practices of Michigan business leaders in developing and promoting workers with disabilities.