Featured Alumni

May 2023, EPET Graduation
May 2023, EPET Graduation

Alumni Spotlights

  • Congratulations K. Bret Staudt Willet (MAET ’15, EPET ’21) on a recently awarded Sloan Foundation grant and received the Early Career Scholar Award from the Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching & Learning (TACTL) SIG at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in Chicago. Dr. Staudt Willet, now an Assistant Professor at Florida State University, will investigate language used to describe computing-related master’s and doctoral programs at American Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) and why faculty members chose specific terminology. The team, on which Bret is a co-PI, also wants to look at the relationship between such terminology at MSIs and the career recruitment efforts in the computing and technology workforce.
  • Congratulations Joshua Rosenberg (EPET ‘18) for receiving an NSF CAREER award for a project titled “Rethinking how middle and high school students analyze and interpret ecological data”.  Dr. Joshua is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee with an interest in STEM education.
  • Congratulations Alexandra Lee (EPET ’23) for MSU’s Graduate Student Award for Community Engaged Scholarship for her role as lead researcher on “The Aligning Student Passions with Regional Education Services (ASPiRES) Project.” See this article for more detail. Dr. Al is now working as a researcher for LearnPlatform.
  • Congratulations Aroutis Foster (EPET ’09) has been appointed Dean of the School of Education at Drexel University. Check out this page for the announcement.

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