Starting Your Graduate Certificate
The first step of your Graduate Certificate journey is to complete the form below for the GC(s) you will be completing. This lets program staff know that you are want to start the Graduate Certificate.
Educational Technology Intent to Enroll Form
Online Teaching & Learning Intent to Enroll Form
K-12 Computer Science Education Intent to Enroll Form
Educational Psychology Intent to Enroll Form
Transcript Request Form
After completing your Graduate Certificate, you can request an updated transcript. It costs $5, and you can pay with a credit card, check, or money order. With a credit card, you can request the transcript online. You will need your MSU Net ID and password or your student ID, social security number, and date of birth.
Application for Readmission
Application for Readmission form
If you are current a Graduate Certificate student who has taken 3 or more semesters off from coursework, you need to apply for readmission to start courses again.
Please complete the above form to start that process. Then email us