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Dept. of Teacher Education Chair Search: Luciana de Oliveira

January 17, 2019 @ 8:30 am - 9:30 am EST

Please the upcoming talks for the Department of Teacher Education Chair Search candidate, Dr. Luciana de Oliveira, who will be in the MSU College of Education for her campus visit interview.

“Issues Facing Teacher Education and Addressing Them”

This presentation addresses important issues facing teacher education and how a Department of Teacher Education can address them. de Oliveira will show her leadership style, background and experiences, and how they have prepared her to be a leader in teacher education, connecting these items to the MSU Department of Teacher Education’s guiding principles. de Oliveira will conclude by discussing her vision for the chair role for the next five years.

About Dr. de Oliveira

Luciana C. de Oliveira, Ph.D., is professor and chair in the Department of Teaching and Learning in the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Miami, FL. Her research focuses on issues related to teaching emergent to bilingual students at the K-12 level, including the role of language in learning the content areas and teacher education, advocacy and social justice. Currently, de Oliveira’s research examines scaffolding in elementary classrooms and multimodal representation in picture books. She is the author or editor of 21 books and over 180 publications in various outlets. She’s president (2018-19) of the TESOL International Association.


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