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Policy Seminar featuring Richard Novak

September 6, 2019 @ 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm EDT

Richard Novak is a senior fellow with the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, serving to help advance the association’s interests and member needs in state and federal education policy and board education. during his 21-year career at AGB, he served as the senior VP for programs and research and of the Ingram Center for Public Trusteeship and Governance. Rich has directed or co-directed studies in several states, overseen special programs on board and presidential leadership, led several initiatives on the effectiveness of public college and university governing boards, advocated for the reform of public board member selection practices, overseen the association’s programs and research for both public and private members, and worked to incorporate environmental sustainability into governing board agendas. At AGB, he also worked on governance and higher education projects for the Ministry of Higher Education in Egypt, the Ireland Higher Education Authority, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. While at AGB and as a participate in over two dozen statewide public board education programs, in addition to several longer-term consulting assignments related to public governance.