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Summit on Education Technology Strategies for Colleges, Universities & K-12 Schools

April 4, 2016 - April 6, 2016

The sixth annual Summit on Education Technology Strategies for Colleges, Universities & K-12 Schools.

Engage in two days of top programming with specialized tracks and 35+ speakers and 20+ leading institutions from across Canada and around the world. Join this influential conversation and be part of the movement to develop bright, creative and engaged students through technology. Source solutions to your top challenges in education, technology design and implementation.


  • Save 25% off the regular registration rate using the VIP code: MSU20

Take away tools to make your classrooms, curriculums and overall learning environments a place where students can excel. Source 10 practical solutions to enhance the teaching and learning experience:

  • Data and Analytics: Identify opportunities for feedback and improvement
  • Gamification: Add game elements to courses and engage students
  • Social Media: Leverage collaborative tools that students want to use
  • Coding: Apply it beyond the STEM disciplines
  • BYOD and 1:1: Roll out your programs effectively
  • Online Learning: Boost enrollment with distance options
  • Pedagogy: Ensure your technology of choice enhances learning
  • Data Security: Protect student privacy in the cloud era
  • 3D Printing: Engage students with participatory learning


Andreas Schleicher, director of the Directorate for Education and Skills, OECD

Greg McLeod, principal, John A. Leslie Public School, TDSB

Jon Dron, associate professor, School of Computing and Information Systems, Athabasca University

Farbod Karimi, chair, Digital Initiatives and Academic Educational Technologies, Algonquin College

Jonathan Obar, assistant professor of communication and digital media studies, UOIT; senior advisor, Wikimedia Foundation’s Wikipedia Education Program

Usha James, director of innovation and development, The Critical Thinking Consortium

Beth Peterson, branch manager, Division of Innovation and Partner Engagement, Kentucky Department of Education

Garth Nichols, director of teaching and learning, Bayview Glen; co-founder of Cohort 21

Don’t miss out on the PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS on April 4, 2016:

Workshop A: Rolling Out a One-to-One Program to Enhance Learning. Topics will include assessing the costs, IT support, working with technology suppliers, training educators and gaining organizational support.

Workshop B: Professional Development to Improve Technology Use. Topics will include improving the technology literacy of faculty, creating a culture of support for technology initiatives, leveraging the skills of tech-knowledgable educators, ensuring that technology supports pedagogy and applying a bottom-up approach to professional development.






View a free copy of the brochure and agenda:

Audiences: General Public, College of Education Faculty, Staff, and Students



Sheetal Sinha


Sheraton Centre
123 Queen St W
Toronto , Ontario M5H 2M9 Canada
+ Google Map
1 416-361-1000
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