College of Education Sitemap
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Education Abroad Expo

Breslin Student Events Center 1 Birch Rd, East Lansing, MI

Looking to study abroad? Attend this comprehensive informational event to learn about many of the exciting education abroad opportunities available at MSU. There will be nearly 200 exhibits featuring information about upcoming programs and support services.

Financing Education Abroad Info Session

B-119 Wells Hall 619 Red Cedar Raod, East Lansing, MI

Do you want to participate in education abroad, but are not sure how to pay for it? The Office for Education Abroad and the Office of Financial Aid have teamed up to offer you a workshop on finding funding for education abroad. Come to learn about scholarships, financial aid and creative ways of financing!

Learning Abroad Conference

International Center 427 N Shaw Lane, East Lansing, MI

This conference is about MSU students' learning abroad experiences. The Office for Education Abroad defines "learning abroad" to include MSU students' experiences in a study abroad program, international students' experiences at MSU and U.S. students' experiences with international students at MSU. This conference is designed to give a voice to students' stories through a variety… Read More »

Financing Education Abroad Info Session

B122, Wells Hall 619 Red Cedar Road, East Lansing, MI

Do you want to study abroad but are not sure how to pay for it? The Office for Education Abroad and the Office of Financial Aid have teamed up to offer you a workshop on finding funding for education abroad.  Come learn about scholarships, financial aid and creative ways of financing study abroad!