College Ambition Program (CAP) – Aligning students’ college and career goals
Improving Learning for All Students
The John A. Hannah Chair is dedicated to improve education research to advance learning and instruction from early childhood through adulthood, looking specifically in families, schools, and communities. Emphasis is placed on creating questions for designing studies that solve critical problems at the individual and societal level with innovative methodology. These studies center on how social structures at the micro and macro societal levels can promote equity and eliminate racial and ethnic system injustices. Questions currently being investigated include how to: extend knowledge for strategic pathways from school to the workforce especially for young people faced with limited economic and social resources; improve science learning and instruction K-12 for all students; design large-scale evaluations of psychological interventions among diverse populations; and promote social and emotional growth in learning situations in formal and in-formal settings.
Media Mentions & Updates
See selected examples of media mentions, news updates and more from the Office of the Hannah Chair.
Create for STEM institute
Covering a broad range of research topics, Create for STEM Institute is Michigan State University’s hub for STEM education research. The Office of the Hannah Chair and Create for STEM Institute have formed an elaborate partnership in developing exciting, hands-on science curriculum materials to keep students engaged in learning science.