The Office of K-12 Outreach has worked in partnership to establish a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Network of regional education leaders to form collaborative partnerships, share resources, and establish shared beliefs and common practices between school districts across the capital area. This is led by the College of Education’s Office of K-12 Outreach in conjunction with local intermediate school districts including Eaton Regional Education Services (RESA), Clinton RESA, and Ingham Intermediate School District (ISD). The combination of these four institutions encompasses a depth of knowledge, resources, and experiences for supporting sustained growth in staff development and meaningful cross-functional work with external stakeholders across the Greater Lansing Community.
There are many pockets of great DEI work occurring across the Greater Lansing Community, however there is currently little collaboration between organizations and a lack of a systemic-comprehensive approach that ensures all educators have a common understanding of Diversity and Equity. The DEI Educator Network facilitates the centralization and coordination of DEI efforts to ensure that all educators are supported in Diversity and Equity training and subsequently supporting students with effective research-based practices.
The MSU Office of K-12 Outreach has been collaborating on a professional development series focusing on cultural competency with Dr. Dorinda Carter Andrews and Chezare Warren as they implement a WT Grant Foundation grant. Faculty in the college are currently supporting several districts with equity audits. Our partners have had success in providing training to large audiences, mostly recently Eaton RESA trained over 1,000 individuals in Youth Mental Health First Aid from 2018 to 2021 sponsored by a federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant. Ingham ISD has also positively impacted the region by leading Multi-Tiered Supports Systems(MTSS) since 2010.
“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”