KIN-nections Career Newsletter, Sept. 4, 2015

November 15, 2013

KIN Pre-Internship Meetings

Planning to intern this spring or later? You have one more chance this fall to attend the mandatory KIN 492/493 internship meeting.

  • Tue., Sept. 8, 7:30-9PM, 137 IM Circle

Career Opportunity of the Week

Fitness Intern, State of Fitness, East Lansing, MI
Gain fitness leadership experience in the fall, spring, or summer that will help prepare you to be a leader in the field. To apply, log into MySpartanCareer and search job posting number 140173 or contact

Check MySpartanCareer regularly for jobs & internships. For a sampling of opportunities currently listed, search specific keywords under Jobs/View Postings tab for more.

Events & Workshops

  • Unpacking Your KIN Internship Workshop – reflect upon your kinesiology experiences and determine your next steps for career success, Fri., Sept. 11, 1-2PM, Room 106 IM Circle
  • Earn, Learn & Intern – part time & local job fair, Wed., Sept. 9, 2-6PM, 4th Floor Spartan Stadium
    • To see list of employers:
    • Prepare for the fairs using the attached “Career Fair Prep Kit”
  • Health Professional School Interview Workshop, Tue., Sept. 15 OR Wed., Sept. 16, 4-5PM, Room 105 Nat Sci Bldg
  • Other events & opportunities will be Tweeted by @MSU¬_COEAdvisors

Career Advising

  • To make an appointment with a College of Education career advisor, log into MySpartanCareer and go to Calendar/Advising Appointment.
  • For resume or cover letter review, please schedule with your Career Peer Advisor, Katie Morisette.