Please attend, you’re invited!

October 31, 2022

Dear Members of the College of Education:

On behalf of the College Faculty Advisory Committee (CFAC), and as required by current College of Education bylaw 4.2.1., I am writing to invite all College faculty and students to attend the upcoming meeting on December 13th from 1:30-3:00pm EST (via Zoom). The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss and offer comments on proposed changes to the College of Education’s bylaws.

You can register to attend the meeting by clicking here, or by copying the following link into your Web browser:

The CFAC plans to finalize the proposed changes to College bylaws during our November 7th meeting. I will then share those proposed changes with the College shortly after that meeting, along with a meeting agenda and a detailed description of the meeting format. You can review the existing College bylaws by clicking here, or by copying the following link into your Web browser: 

We recognize the timing of the December 13th meeting may make attendance difficult. To provide opportunity to receive as much input on proposed bylaw changes as possible, we plan to record the meeting and make it available for review shortly after the meeting concludes. Further, we will provide opportunity for comment via an anonymous Qualtrics survey before and following the December 13th meeting until January 9, 2023.

The CFAC will review the feedback received during the December 13th meeting and through the anonymous Qualtrics survey and integrate that feedback into the proposed bylaw revisions. Then, the CFAC will present the proposed changes, as per College bylaw 4.2.1., to Voting Faculty and take a vote on whether to adopt the proposed changes. I anticipate the vote will take place sometime in late January or early February 2023.

The CFAC looks forward to your engagement and input in academic governance. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via e-mail (

Matt Brodhead
Chair, College of Education Faculty Advisory Committee
Associate Professor