Peace Corps Application Workshop Today, 12/5

December 5, 2023

The MSU Peace Corps Recruitment Office welcomes all MSU students to attend the second Peace Corps Application Workshop of the year! This session will be particularly helpful for Spartans hoping to apply for the next Peace Corps deadline on January 1. As the preeminent international service organization of the United States, the Peace Corps sends Americans abroad to tackle the most pressing needs of people around the world. Peace Corps Volunteers work at the grassroots level toward sustainable change that lives on long after their service. When they return home, Volunteers bring their knowledge and experiences—and a global outlook—that enriches the lives of those around them. 

The Application Workshop will take place on Tuesday, December 5th from 5:30-7:00pm in the International Center, Room 201

The Application Workshop will open with a brief overview of the Peace Corps, including current openings and the benefits you can expect to receive as a result of your service. We will then provide a detailed overview of the application process, so that you will leave knowing exactly how to apply. We will discuss how to make your application as competitive as possible, and we will be delighted to answer any and all questions regarding the Peace Corps and the Peace Corps application process. Bring questions!