Preparation for fall enrollment: Validating courses

March 6, 2024

The enrollment period for the fall semester of 2024 is fast approaching! To prepare for enrollment, you should add your advised courses to your shopping cart and validate them. Students should validate their courses in their shopping cart BEFORE the enrollment period begins to ensure that all prerequisites are satisfied, there are no time conflicts, and you will be all set to enroll in the courses once your appointment opens.

To validate courses:

  • Go to your shopping cart once all your courses for the following semester are added.
  • Check the boxes for each course on the left-hand side
  • Then select validate in the upper right-hand corner
  • If a green check mark appears for each class, you are all set

**However, some students may encounter an error message or an “X” by the course. If this occurs, double-check that there are no time conflicts. If there are no time conflicts, reach out to an advisor immediately to see why you are receiving an error message.**