Allen Neighborhood Center is a place-based, non-profit organization that serves as a hub for neighborhood revitalization and for activities that promote the health and well-being of Lansing’s Eastside community. Since 1999, ANC has pioneered programs in health education and outreach, housing improvement, food security and nutrition education, youth development, commercial corridor revitalization, and social capital building. We do all of this with the generous support of the engaged and unique Eastside community. Our neighborhood is richly diverse, home to people of all different cultures, incomes, religions, professions, races and ethnicities, and nativity statuses.
Different Fellowship Opportunities:
Hunter Park GardenHouse Community Resource Fellow
Hunter Park GardenHouse Farm Apprentice
Hunter Park GardenHouse Environmental Stewardship Fellow
Veggie Box Community Supported Agriculture Fellow
Breadbasket Food Pantry and Farmers Market Fellowship
Youth Programs Fellowship
Apply through Handshake using the links above or email a cover letter and resume to