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Department of Kinesiology

Department of Kinesiology


Alumni Achievements & Awards

The Department of Kinesiology Alumni Awards represent and highlight the success achieved by former students. The these illustrious honors include the Professional Achievement Award, the Distinguished Alumni Award, the Outstanding K-12 Teacher Award, and the Outstanding Alumni K-12 Administration Award.

Kinesiology Professional Achievement Award

This award was initiated in 1999, the centennial year for the Department of Kinesiology. The primary criterion for this award is sustained, significant contributions to the field of kinesiology.

Nomination Procedures
Anyone may submit a nomination. The award is typically presented at an April ceremony, with nominations due earlier in the spring. Nominations should include the nomineeā€™s name, title/s, home address/phone, business address/phone, email address, MSU affiliation, and activities, accomplishments, and awards, as well as the nominatorā€™s name, title/s, phone, and email address. The completed nomination information should be submitted to the Chairperson of the Department of Kinesiology, 134 IM Sports Circle, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824.


Our alumni have earned recognition through college-wide awards. Visit the Alumni page to learn more.

Faculty and Staff Achievements & Awards

The Faculty and Staff Awards represent and highlight the distinguished service given to the Department of Kinesiology by our current and former faculty and staff members. There are departmental, college, and university level awards including the Distinguished Faculty Award, the Teacher Scholar Award, the Excellence in Diversity Award, the Breslin Distinguished Staff Award, and the Fellows in the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education Award.

Graduate Achievements & Awards

The Department of Kinesiology has multiple awards acknowledging the extraordinary work of our graduate students. These awards recognize students for excellence in teaching and diversity, and provides scholarships and fellowships to deserving students.

Undergraduate Achievements & Awards

The undergraduate awards given at Michigan State University represent the work of undergraduate students who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to academics, diversity, community service, and research. These awards are given to students from the deparment, college, university levels as well as from state and national physical activity organizations such as NASPE (National Association of Sport and Physical Education) and MAHPERD (Michigan Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance).