The master’s degree program requires a minimum of 30 semester credits which satisfy the following requirements, described here and in the MSU Academic Programs Catalog. Master’s degree students at Michigan State University must select either Plan A (master’s thesis research) or Plan B (internship, project, or courses-only with a final certifying examination). The maximum allowable time for completion of a master’s degree is five years from the date of admission.
Required Course
KIN 871 – Research Methods in Kinesiology (3 credits)
A minimum of 9 credits in KIN graduate-level courses in the student’s concentration as approved by the student’s guidance committee.
Cognitive and Motor Neuroscience
Expectations of KIN master’s degree students are individualized because of the different concentrations offered within the department and the students’ various educational goals. Commonalities in expectations of master’s degree students include: (a) professional growth and involvement; (b) demonstrated ability to teach within the context of the student’s chosen field; and (c) knowledge and skill as a consumer of research.
Students who intend to pursue doctoral study or research careers are also expected to develop ability to plan, conduct, and disseminate research. Departmental expectations related to that goal are described in Expectations of M.S. Students, and related learning experiences are described in Professional Development Opportunities. These expectations are individualized for students during advising and guidance committee meetings.
Breadth Requirement
- Students who have completed an undergraduate degree in kinesiology (or similarly named program such as physical education or exercise science) do not have a breadth requirement.
- Students who have not completed an undergraduate degree in kinesiology (or similarly named program such as physical education or exercise science) must complete a minimum of 6 credits of KIN courses representing at least two of seven different disciplinary areas (athletic training, coaching, exercise physiology, growth and motor development, psychosocial aspects of sport and physical activity, sport administration, student athlete development) outside of the student’s major area/concentration. Credits earned in 200 or 300 level courses may be used to fulfill the breadth requirement, but will not count toward the master’s degree.
Additional Requirements for Plan A (thesis option)
- One additional research methods course at the 400-900 level approved by the student’s guidance committee (3 credits)
- KIN 899 – Master’s Thesis Research (6 credits)
- Additional credits in courses approved by the student’s guidance committee (3 credits)
Additional Requirements for Plan B (non-thesis option)
- Capstone experience (must choose one)
- KIN 893 – Internship in Kinesiology (4-6 credits)
- KIN 897 – Project in Kinesiology (4 credits)
- Courses-only option with final certifying exam (0 credits for exam)
- Additional credits in courses approved by the student’s guidance committee (6-12 credits depending upon the selected capstone experience)
Final Certifying Examination
According to MSU policy, all master’s degree students must successfully complete a final certifying exam. For students whose capstone experience is a thesis, project, or internship, the final defense of that scholarly work serves as the final certifying exam. Students who choose the courses-only option sit for an exam written by members of their guidance committees.