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Graduate Assistantship

Graduate Assistantship Information

The Department of Kinesiology offers a number of graduate assistantship (GA) positions each year:

In addition, some KIN students are interested in assistantship positions working with MSU varsity sports teams. These assistantships are administered by the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, not the Department of Kinesiology. Interested students should contact the coach or sports operation director in the sport of interest.


Typical annual stipends for a half-time GA position range depending upon the student’s qualifications and experience. In addition, GAs receive: (a) a tuition waiver for 6-9 credits in the fall and spring semesters and 5 credits in the summer semester (if a summer graduate teaching assistantship is awarded); (b) exemption from out-of-state resident tuition; and (c) health insurance. For more information on current stipends and benefits, consult the GA information on the MSU Graduate School web site.

For More Information

Application Procedures – Kinesiology Graduate Director (kingrad@msu.edu)

Teaching Assistantships – Andrea Childress (childr46@msu.edu)

Research Assistantships – the director of the research team

Employment Contracts – The Graduate School (gradschool@grd.msu.edu)

Grievances – Dr. Panteleimon Ekkekakis, Department Chairperson (ekkekaki@msu.edu), Office of the University Ombudsperson (ombud@msu.edu)