- Application for Graduate Study
- Credit Evaluation: Transfer Credits
- Application for Doctoral Visitation Program
Graduate Teaching Assisantships
Advising and Guidance Committees
Change of Status
Ph.D. Program Requirements
- Program Plan (GradPlan)
- Application for Independent Study and Fieldwork
- Application for Enroll in Variable Credit Courses
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Submit the Complete Criminal Background Check Form to BEFORE being enrolled and BEFORE starting any duties at the experience site. Submission of this form will be checked prior to enrollment. If the experience is with anyone (company, institution, organization, etc) other than Michigan State University, an Affiliation Agreement MUST be signed by the site company BEFORE the experience can begin. Company information must be TYPED!
- KIN Research Practicum (KIN 995)
- University Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects (UCRIHS/IRB)
- Dissertation Credit Limit Waiver
- Record of Dissertation and Oral Examination Requirements for Doctoral Degree Candidate: Student Initiated
- Dissertation Submission
- Request for Extension of Time to Complete Degree Requirements: Student Initiated
- Dual Doctoral Major Request Form
- Application for Graduation
- Request to Participate in the College of Education Doctoral Convocation Ceremony (Ph.D. Degree)
Scholarships and Awards
- COGS Conference Funding
- The Graduate School Funding Opportunities
- College of Education Student Scholarships and Fellowships
- Excellence-in-Teaching Citation
- Excellence in Diversity Award
- The McNair/SROP Scholars
- MSU Scholarship Search
Professional Development Funding
Department of Kinesiology
Each KIN graduate student may apply for up to $200 per year to attend professional conferences or $400 per year if the student is making a presentation. You must be enrolled as an MSU student at the time funding is awarded to qualify. To apply for funding, submit the KIN Graduate Student Professional Development Fellowship Form below with necessary attachments to the Graduate Program Coordinator ( When submitting abstracts, please include the author names on the abstracts. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for an approval decision.