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Striving for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice

May 26, 2021
Striving for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice

Diversity, equity, inclusion and justice are central components of the College of Education mission—it is not only what we say, but who we are and what we do. The events of 2020 and early 2021 reignited these commitments, and the college focused on new programs and initiatives that reflect these realities. A NEW LEADER Terah… Read More »

Michael Sedlak: Building Academic Greatness

May 19, 2021
Michael Sedlak: Building Academic Greatness

Professor Michael Sedlak, a historian of education and steady leader of the College of Education, retired from Michigan State University after 38 years on the faculty in fall 2020.   Sedlak has overseen all matters of academic affairs as associate dean since 1994, making countless contributions to the quality—and reputation—of the college’s degree programs. His… Read More »

Charter Schools: A Proving Ground for Success?

May 19, 2021
Charter Schools: A Proving Ground for Success?

For many teachers, it appears, working in charter schools has become a “try before you buy” system for deciding whether to become certified. This is according to recent analysis by Michigan State University Professor Scott Imberman and colleagues. “We investigated whether charter schools are able to use their more flexible employment regulations to hold onto… Read More »

Testing Stereotypes to Improve Performance

May 19, 2021
Testing Stereotypes to Improve Performance

Research examining how racial stereotypes and motivation impact physical performance could improve the way we look at teamwork.  “As a man of color, I was interested in how racial differences and perceived stereotypes could affect an individual’s performance within a team context,” said Tayo Moss, Ph.D. ’18 (Kinesiology), principal investigator. “You hear perceived stereotypes about… Read More »

In Memoriam

May 19, 2021
In Memoriam

Former Assistant Professor of Teacher Education HAZEL M. ANTHONY died on Oct. 31, 2019. She spent her career in education, focusing on home economics, and the education of home economics teachers and administration. She served as faculty at MSU from 1957-61, later retiring in 1986 as dean of the College of Home Economics at the… Read More »

Meet Sr. Development Director Eric Sturdy Jr.

May 19, 2021
Meet Sr. Development Director Eric Sturdy Jr.

Eric L. Sturdy Jr. joined the Michigan State University College of Education as senior director of development in the fall of 2020. Eric brings over 20 years of experience serving not-for-profit organizations, health care and higher education.  “Eric’s demonstrated success in cultivating philanthropic relationships and program management will be an asset as he works to… Read More »

Living with Disabilities During COVID-19

May 19, 2021
Living with Disabilities During COVID-19

MSU faculty launched an online survey in April 2020 to find out how COVID-19 was impacting people’s lives, especially those with disabilities. With responses from more than 2,000 people across 20 countries, individuals with disabilities reported experiencing more negative consequences, such as high stress and trouble keeping or finding jobs. The survey also showed how… Read More »

Faculty Viewpoint: Centering Equity in the Academic Profession

May 19, 2021
Faculty Viewpoint: Centering Equity in the Academic Profession

By Leslie D. Gonzales When people ask me what I do and I tell them I am a professor, the next questions are always, “Oh, what do you teach? What do you study?” When I share with them that I study the experiences and outcomes of college and university professors, most are puzzled and want… Read More »

Poetry in a Pandemic: One Year In

May 19, 2021
Poetry in a Pandemic: One Year In

By Laura Apol As did so many at the university, I came back from spring break 2020 with misgivings; there were rumblings about what might happen next, but nothing was clear. I was teaching TE 458: Reading, Writing and Teaching Poetry—one of my favorite classes, and a class that relies heavily on risk-taking, vulnerability, community… Read More »

On the Front Lines: Kinesiology Alumni

May 19, 2021
On the Front Lines: Kinesiology Alumni

The COVID-19 pandemic affects our health, well-being and nearly every aspect of our lives—but for some more than others. Those working in healthcare, including many Kinesiology graduates, continue to face precarious situations to care for others. (Read more COVID-19 stories: Meet the COVID Crew | Mini-MOOC, Massive Results) BARBARA BARIC Traveling intensive care unit nurse,… Read More »