Faculty publish books on science teaching

May 5, 2017

ThreeĀ faculty members in the Michigan State University College of Education have recently published books on science teaching and learning. Each book examines new and innovative concepts, such as helping students understand core ideas across disciplines, encouraging them to engage in science practices and rethinking the roles of students and teachers.

Joe Krajcik, Lappan-Phillips Professor of Science Education and director of the CREATE for STEM Institute at MSU, is the co-editor of “Disciplinary Core Ideas: Reshaping Teaching and Learning,” published in October 2016. The book explores how four broad areas of science can be taught to help students make connections between core ideasĀ and how the world works, continuing their learning beyond school.

This “conceptual tool kit” for the classroom builds on the foundation provided by A Framework for Kā€“12 Science Education, which informed the development of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).Ā 

Christina Schwarz, associate professor of teacher education, is co-editor of “Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices,” published in January 2017. The book serves as a guide to the practices component of NGSS for educators, curriculum developers and administrators.

Written in clear, non-technical language, Schwarz’sĀ book aims to show how engaging students in science and engineering practices can improve science educationā€”and how educators can bring NGSS to life in the classroom.


David Stroupe, assistant professor of teacher education, is the editor of “Reframing Science Teaching and Learning: Students and Educators Co-developing Science Practices In and Out of School,” published by Routledge in FebruaryĀ 2017. Stroupe also serves as the associate director of STEM Teacher Education at the CREATE for STEM Institute. The book provides “concrete examples” of how science education can be “reframed,” including how students (with guidance from their teachers) can take on new roles through science practice, becoming more active participants in their learning.

The book not only shows how, but also why scientific conceptual ideas are important for students, and includes suggestions that educators and administrators can utilize in their daily work.

Read the recent New Educator cover story, Science for All, to learn more about how MSU researchers are leading efforts to fundamentally changeā€”and improveā€”science teaching and learning in today’s classrooms.