Kinesiology grad earns prestigious, national award

May 22, 2018

Christopher Hill, a 2018 alumnus of Michigan State University, was recently recognized with the prestigious American Kinesiology Association (AKA) National Doctoral Scholar Award.

The annual AKA Scholar Awards recognize doctoral scholars at the national level for their accomplishments; Hill was recognized as the top student scholar with the most distinguished academic and leadership record among the recipients.

Hill was surprised with the recognition during the 23rd annual Kinesiology Awards Luncheon at MSU on April 20.

Christopher Hill poses with advisor Deb Feltz, a University Distinguished Professor and chairperson emerita.

Christopher Hill poses with advisor Deb Feltz.

“Chris is developing as a multidimensional scholar in research, teaching and mentoring, and in leadership. I am so proud of his accomplishments,” said University Distinguished Professor and Chairperson Emerita Deb Feltz. She served as Hill’s advisor.

Hill, who also earned the Outstanding Doctoral Student Award from the Department of Kinesiology at the event, graduated this month from MSU with a concentration in Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Physical Activity. His research addresses relationships in exercise settings, and in particular how those relationships impact affective, behavioral and relational outcomes. His dissertation focused on personal trainer and client relationships through the lens of unique social efficacy perceptions that arise in group settings.

During his time at MSU, Hill helped conduct research for the Exergames Research Lab. To date, he’s had three publications, 12 peer-reviewed presentations and one co-authored book chapter. Hill was also a teacher in several Kinesiology classes and an active member of the Kinesiology Graduate Student Organization, the Curriculum and Undergraduate Studies Committee and the Faculty Advisory Committee.

“Chris is a promising young scholar and has made the most of his doctoral experience. We are thrilled that his efforts have been recognized with this award,” said Al Smith, chair of the Department of Kinesiology.

In the fall, Hill will join the faculty as an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology at California State University, San Bernadino.

Hill poses with Associate Professor Karin Pfeiffer, who presented him with the award.

Hill with Associate Professor Karin Pfeiffer, who presented him with the award.

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In 2017, fellow Kinesiology alumnus Anthony Delli Paoli received an Honorable Mention for the AKA National Doctoral Scholar Award. Prior to graduating from MSU, Delli Paoli received a 2017 Excellence in Teaching Citation.

Hill conducted research as part of the Exergames Research Lab. Learn more about the lab.