Connie Sung named Fellow of the American Psychological Association  

October 30, 2023

Michigan State University Professor Connie Sung was named a Fellow of the American Psychological Association. The designation recognizes Sung for her contributions to the field of psychology. She is one of five scholars to be named a Fellow of APA’s Division 22: Rehabilitation Psychology in 2023. 

Connie Sung headshot

She is one of two current MSU College of Education faculty members to have earned this honor. Professor Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia is also an APA Fellow.  

“Receiving Fellow status in the American Psychological Association is a defining moment in a career,” said Kui Xie. Xie became chairperson of the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education (CEPSE) in 2023. “It is particularly notable that she was recognized by APA peers for this distinction, which further emphasizes her contributions to this field. On behalf of our department, we are thrilled for Connie.” 

Sung’s Career

Sung, who was recently promoted to full professor, holds several leadership roles at MSU. She is the director of the Master of Arts in Rehabilitation Counseling program and the co-director of the MSU Center for Services, Training and Research for Independence and Desired Employment (STRIDE). In addition, she is the principal investigator of Project STEMM-Up. The $15.8 million project includes several states and agencies that work with individuals with disabilities from marginalized/underserved communities to support career development and advancement in the areas of science, technology, engineering, mathematics or medicine. 

“I am truly flattered and humbled to receive this honor as it means so much to me,” said Sung. “I would like to thank APA for recognizing my work and awarding me this honor. In addition, I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to everyone who has always been a part of my journey, from my family to friends, from my teachers/professors/mentors to students, from my collaborators to team members, and everyone who has made an impact in my career. This award is not just for me, but for all the people who have offered continuous support, guidance and encouragement throughout that have enabled, inspired and pushed me to be a better educator, researcher and scholar.” 

College of Education faculty who were named APA Fellows prior to their retirements are Henry Clarizio, Robert E. Floden and Deborah Feltz