Twenty scholars from the Michigan State University College of Education are among the top 2% of scientists worldwide, according to Stanford University’s 2024 World’s Top 2% Scientists list.
One hundred thousand scholars from more than 20 fields and 174 sub-fields are featured on the single-year list, which highlights research contributions for the 2023 calendar year. Seventeen scholars from the College of Education are recognized on the career-long impact list.

Since 2019, the list has been created in collaboration with Elsevier — a global leader in academic publishing and research analytics. The organizations use data from Scopus, a leading citation database of peer-reviewed literature.
Spartan scholars on the single-year include:
- Professor and Associate Dean for Research Emily Bouck
- Mildred B. Erickson Distinguished Chair in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education and Professor Brendan Cantwell
- Professor Dorinda Carter Andrews
- Professor Peter De Costa
- Associate Professor Dante Dixson
- Professor and Department of Kinesiology Chairperson Panteleimon Ekkekakis
- MSU Research Foundation Professor Kenneth Frank
- Gwendolyn Norrell Professor Emeritus Daniel Gould
- Professor Christine Greenhow
- Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Matthew Koehler
- Professor Spyros Konstantopoulos
- Lappan-Phillips Professor of Science Education Joseph Krajcik
- Gwendolyn Norrell Professor Tracey Covassin
- John A. Hannah University Distinguished Professor Barbara Schneider
- Professor Christina Schwarz
- Professor Riyad Shahjahan
- Professor Kristen Renn
- Professor Tenko Raykov
- Lappan-Phillips Professor of Computing Education Aman Yadav
- Red Cedar Distinguished Professor and Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education Chairperson Kui Xie
“This recognition by Stanford University is more than a personal accolade for these faculty members; it is a reflection of the transformative work happening at a best-in-class college of education right here in East Lansing,” said Jerlando F. L. Jackson, dean and MSU Research Foundation Professor of Education.
The rankings are determined by using a composite indicator, known as the c-score, which is calculated based on six key citation metrics:
- Total citations (NC): The total count of times a publication or a collection of publications has been referenced in other works
- H-index (H): Calculated by counting the number of publications that have been cited at least the same number of times
- Hm-index: H-index adjusted for the number of authors
- Citations to single-author papers (NCS): Total cites to single authored papers
- Citations to single or first-author papers (NCSF): Total cites to single and first authored papers
- Citations to single, first or last-author papers (NCSFL): Total cites to papers where the individual is the sole, first or last author