College of Education Sitemap
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Alum Stories

Headshots of Spartans represented in Ingrained series featured, including one Spartan smiling in a school hallway, another leading an art class, another reading a book aloud and another working one-on-one with a student

Ingrained captures the journeys of alums who are Michigan K-12 educators. These Spartans are deeply rooted in their communities, bringing passion, innovation and a commitment to education to their every day work.

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New Symposium

Two Spartans sit and discuss near a fountain on the campus of MSU

Empowerment: Unleashed! Registration is open for the inaugural Transforming Leadership & Learning Institute. Join education leaders and non-profit organizations in learning about innovation in education.

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Grad Swag

Grad Swag Graphic

Searching for the perfect graduation gift? Looking for ways to show your Spartan pride? Check out the college store! Browse exclusive items like totes, tumblers and blankets. Proceeds fund Alumni Board scholarships.

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Sparty statue is shown with sunlight behind.

Four Spartans earn awards for equitable, justice-oriented teachingĀ 

June 24, 2024

Four graduate students received the inaugural College of Education Distinguished Graduate Student Awards in Justice and Equity Pedagogy.   ā€œAs a committee, we know that graduate students do so, so much in our college,ā€ said Assistant Professor Scott Farver, co-creator and award fac...

Alyssa Voort Uher earns MSU Excellence-in-Teaching Citation, transforms key special education courseĀ 

June 20, 2024

Alyssa Voort Uher received recognition from Michigan State University for their dedication and commitment to teaching and pedagogy.   Uher, who will earn a Ph.D. in Special Education following the successful defense of their dissertation in July 2024, earned an Excellence-in-Teaching C...

Preschool classroom with yellow walls and multicolored objects in forefront and background, including art supplies, chalkboard easels and tables and chairs.

Familiesā€™ voices: The trauma of preschool suspension and expulsion

June 17, 2024

Preschool suspension rates are shocking across the nation. Across the U.S., about 250 preschoolers are suspended or expelled daily, according to findings from the Center for American Progress (2017) and the National Survey of Children's Health (2016).  But how do caregivers experience the t...

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