Dante D. Dixson
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley
442 Erickson
Dante Dixson is an associate professor of school and educational psychology. His research interests include the role of hope in the educational and psychological functioning of children and adolescents, psychosocial precursors of achievement, at-risk youth, the achievement gap and academic talent development/gifted education. Dixson's current largest project centers around implementing one-time, universal hope interventions in high schools. The goal of the interventions is to get minority and disadvantaged students to aspire to new heights and believe that they can live up to their ambitions. Other current projects include investigating the role that psychosocial factors (e.g., academic self-concept, work ethic and curiosity) play in the achievement gap, the achievement of minority and disadvantaged youth and gifted students living up to their full potential.