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Higinio Dominguez

Faculty/Staff image

Associate Professor

Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

116K Erickson

517- 355-2321

Higinio Dominguez is an associate professor in the College of Education at Michigan State University. His research reflects his desire to emancipate humanities research that turns every difference it encounters into Eurocentric interpretations and every expressivity into the regime of a language that is faithful to rigor, causality and rationality while turning its back on love, reciprocity and possibility. Higino's research collaborations flatten the hierarchical structures of Eurocentric humanities—structures so strong and tall that they crush and hide the diversity of human experiences. An ongoing dialogue between Indigenous Knowledges, feminism, new materialism, posthumanism and the real experiences of teachers and students in mathematics classrooms has allowed Higinio to interrogate the pervasive representationalism that has wrongly authorized researchers to speak for the other.