The SOLID Start project (Science, Oral Language, and Literacy Development from the Start of School) develops professional development opportunities for K-2 teachers that integrates science and literacy. The project also develops standards-based, integrated science and disciplinary language and literacy curriculum materials designed for K-2 children. Components of the SOLID Start curriculum include unit and daily driving questions (ASK), multi-modal investigations of and experiences with science phenomena (EXPLORE), science informational text read alouds (READ), science writing and drawing opportunities (WRITE), and science synthesis discussions (SYNTHESIZE) to build children’s oral language with a focus on explanations of phenomena. Teacher Tips are provided throughout the curriculum to support teachers in implementing these exciting units of study.
The ability to read, write, and communicate effectively about science is critical to school success, life-long learning, and participation in a global society. Yet, there is limited attention to science and disciplinary language and literacy in primary grades classrooms. In response to the ambitious goals for student learning set by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the high standards for disciplinary language and literacy the ELA standards, science instruction in K-2 classrooms will need to change.