Teaching Position: TE 801, 803 Professional Roles and Teaching Practice I & II (secondary)

Semester Offered: Fall/Spring

Duties: Teach a section of this seminar to secondary interns in fall &/or spring semester. Focus on teacher roles in learning to: manage a classroom, make knowledge accessible to all students, develop a professional relationship with all school personnel & learn to work with families. During spring semester especially, assist student in developing the tools they need for undertaking the Job Search.

Supervising Faulty : Sharon Schwille or Secondary Team Course Faculty Leader/ Gary Sykes

Desired Qualifications : One or more of the following:

  1. secondary teaching experience
  2. experience with pre-service teacher education
  3. interest in or experience with school and university collaboration

Mentoring, Monitoring & Evaluation

Graduate student instructors are required to attend initial orientation prior to the start of fall semester. Graduate assistants selected to teach this course will work under the guidance of the Course Coordinator. Graduate student instructors are evaluated at least once each semester with a debriefing session. Copies of written evaluation and SIRS are kept in the graduate student instructor’s file.