Endowed Funds

Endowed funds provide support to students through scholarships and fellowships, funding to support faculty, and funding to support specific programs. When donors establish an endowed fund, they have the option to name the fund—for themselves, creating a legacy typically at their alma mater—or for someone in their lives, such as a parent or faculty member. One of the advantages of creating an endowment is the freedom to choose how your investment will support the university.

Endowed funds are pooled and invested by the university and the college benefits in the form of interest income generated from abthe investment. The current payout rate (amount of interest paid) for endowed funds, as established by the MSU Board of Trustees, is 5 percent (based on market value). The “gift”, known as the principal, is never spent but is instead pooled and invested by the university. Thus, the fund continues to generate interest income for the area designated by the donor—often this is in the form of financial aid for students through scholarships and/or fellowships—in perpetuity. The current minimum amount to establish a named endowed fund at Michigan State University is $50,000 which can be donated over the course of 5 years.  Please contact the College of Education Development Office if you would like more information regarding endowed funds. 

The following endowments have been established and funded in the College of Education to benefit our students, our faculty and our programs.

General Endowments in the College of Education

Donor Named Funded Endowments in the College of Education