The College of Education offers an increasing number of scholarships for undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students which have been funded by gifts from faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the college.
Important Dates
The 2025-2026 College of Education undergraduate scholarship application period is now closed. We will begin reviewing applications in March and plan to communicate final award decisions by the end of April 2025.
In all cases, the criteria for each scholarship will be the basis for selecting the recipients. However, unless specified by the scholarship criteria, preference in awarding the scholarships goes to: (1) students with a cumulative grade point average above a 3.0, (2) students who will have earned a minimum of 56 credits by the end of the spring semester in which application is made, and (3) students who have been admitted to the College of Education teacher education program or are a kinesiology major. Monies for the scholarships are made available to the students as an offset against tuition, fees, housing, or other expenses affiliated with university attendance in the following fall and spring semesters. Before applying please review the sample application questions.
- Completed application form
- Personal statement of educational goals, commitment to chosen field of education or kinesiology, evidence of leadership, and other activities indicating achievement in education or kinesiology
- Current resume (not to exceed 2 pages)
- One recommendation submitted by a faculty member or other person familiar with your work. NOTE: Make sure you have requested permission from the person before you list them in the system. References must be submitted via the website – instructions for submitting online will be sent with the request for a reference.
Alumni Internship Scholarship
Intern Year
The College of Education Alumni Board of Directors is committed to improving the quality of education, especially in preparing teachers who can address the needs of children and youth living in underserved and under-resourced communities. This scholarship is designed for a College of Education rising Intern, students must have financial need, and a GPA of 3.0+.
Lawrence A. Barber Expendable Scholarship
Recipients shall be students enrolled in the secondary education program in the College of Education who demonstrate financial need being determined by the federal government according to its policies and procedures. Preference will be given to students who are veterans of overseas service with the US military, followed by veterans of the US military, followed by those currently serving in the US military.
Learn More About the Lawrence A. Barber Expendable Scholarship
Sandra L. Barrett Expendable Fund in the College of Education
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be selected on the basis of being enrolled in the college of education, pursuing an elementary education degree. Preference will be given to juniors and the scholarship award will be made renewable to the student during their senior year and fifth year internship so long as the student remains in good standing. The scholarship is to be awarded to a student(s) who meets the federal definition for high financial need.
Learn More About the Sandra L. Barrett Expendable Fund in the College of Education
Tom Bird Memorial Scholarship in Teacher Education
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipient shall be undergraduate student enrolled in college of education, including fifth year internship with financial need.
Learn More About the Tom Bird Memorial Scholarship in Teacher Education
Thelma Dunn Hansen Scholarship
Intern Year
Recipients shall be admitted students in the Urban Educator Cohort Program that are in their fifth year internship. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need as determined by the Federal Government according to its policies and procedures. Preference will be given to non-traditional students. Single parents, adult students with children returning to complete a degree program and applicants who have experiences life-changing circumstances (such as the death of a spouse or partner) are particularly encouraged to apply. It is the Donors’ intent to support a teacher candidate who has not received financial help based on high academic achievement, but who demonstrates creativity, empathy and enthusiasm for teaching as identified by his or her peers, professors, and/or supervising teachers during their junior and senior years.
Global Education Cohort Program Internship Scholarship
Intern Year
The College of Education Alumni Board of Directors is committed to improving the quality of education, especially in preparing teachers who can address the needs of children and youth living in underserved and under-resourced communities. This scholarship is designed for a College of Education rising Intern in the Global Educators Cohort Program (GECP), students must have financial need, and a GPA of 3.0+.
Dr. Thomas Gunnings & Dr. Joseph McMillan Daughters of the Dream Expendable Scholarship Fund
Recipients shall be selected on the basis of: the scholarship recipient(s) will be an undergraduate or graduate student in the College of Education at Michigan State University who demonstrates an expressed commitment to serving in and/or advancing knowledge in support of urban contexts and populations. Preference is given to students who are graduates of K-12 Michigan urban school districts.
Kinesiology Internship Scholarship
Undergraduate/Intern Year
This scholarship is provided on behalf of The College of Education Alumni Board of Directors and is designed for a College of Education rising Intern in Kinesiology. Students must have financial need, and a GPA of 3.0+.
Kinesiology Scholars Fund
Funds generated from 2019 Give Green Day. These funds shall be used to provide scholarships for students enrolled in Kinesiology or those who have identified Kinesiology as their major.
Hilda F. Mitchell Internship Fund
Intern Year
Recipients will be education interns with demonstrated financial need.
The Larry W. and Arlene Reeves International Scholars Fund
This award will create an international reciprocal exchange program for College of Education students and one College of Education faculty member; and the College of Education students and one faculty member from an international university. With great care to incorporate the vast body of research of Dr. Jere Brophy, especially as it pertains to principles of student motivation, participants will be exposed to pertinent material from his books, papers, etc. It is the donors’ intention that there will be a group of undergraduate students as well one graduate level recipient. Undergraduate recipients shall be admitted College of Education teacher candidates at the junior or senior level who are interested in global engagement and leadership. The graduate student recipient will be enrolled in a College of Education doctoral program and will play a role in planning of the program, travel, etc. The overseas experience will be one component of a yearlong set of co-curricular activities. Thus, recipients will be required to meet periodically throughout the school year. These meetings will be led by the MSU faculty member assigned to the project annually, with assistance from the MSU graduate fellow. This program will culminate in the MSU students and faculty member traveling to the country in which their partnership is located for a two-week program of engagement in education-related activities and collaborations with their international counterparts. Following the MSU’s group’s education abroad experience, the international students and a faculty member will travel to MSU to collaborate with their MSU partners, observe and participate in local classrooms, and attend College of Education programming and classes. The international group will visit during the academic year at MSU. A capstone project or experience, shared with College of Education students and faculty, is an expectation of this award. It is the intention of this gift that all travel, lodging, per diems and faculty stipends for both the MSU students and faculty and the international students and faculty be covered by the annual accruals of this fund.
Learn More About The Larry W. and Arlene M. Reeves International Scholars Fund
Ian J. Render Memorial Expendable Scholarship
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be undergraduate and/or post-BA (internship year) students admitted into the College of Education or pursuing a teaching certificate with preference given to a student studying abroad through the Cross-Culture Study Abroad: South Africa program. Recipients will generally be selected during the spring semester, with awards to be effective for the college’s study abroad programs for summer or fall. The number of awards made in a given year and the amount of the awards will be based upon available Expendable Amounts in that year. Awards will usually be credited during the tuition payment process.
Learn More About the Ian J. Render Memorial Expendable Scholarship
The William L. and Mary A. Smith Scholarship
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be undergraduate and/or Post-BA (internship year) students admitted to the College of Education in elementary or secondary education. First consideration will be given to recipient selected based on significant financial need, with financial need being determined by the Federal Government according to its policies and procedures. Significant need is defined as a need resulting from an expeceted family contribution (EFC) of less than 50 percent of the cost of attendance (COA).
Learn More About The William L. and Mary A. Smith Scholarship
Urban Education Cohort Program Internship Scholarship
Intern Year
The College of Education Alumni Board of Directors is committed to improving the quality of education, especially in preparing teachers who can address the needs of children and youth living in underserved and under-resourced communities. This scholarship is designed for a College of Education rising Intern in the Urban Educators Cohort Program (UECP), students must have financial need, and a GPA of 3.0+.
The Urban Educators Cohort Program Scholarship Fund
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be in the UECP and an undergraduate of Intern.
Doug Zatechka, Ph.D. Memorial Award
Undergraduate/Intern Year
First generation college students.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball Endowed Scholarship in Education
To be used as a scholarship – no additional criteria.
Learn More About the Deborah Loewenberg Ball Endowed Scholarship in Education
Nancy and Roger Bandeen Scholarship in Education
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education at the junior, senior, or post-baccalaureate level (intern year) pursuing a degree teacher education.
First preference will be for elementary education students from the greater Cadillac, Michigan area;
second preference for secondary education students from the greater Cadillac, Michigan area;
third preference for elementary education students from the greater Battle Creek, Michigan area; and a
fourth preference for secondary education students from the greater Battle Creek, Michigan area.
If there are no eligible candidates from the greater Cadillac area or greater Battle Creek area, the college may select worthy candidates from within the State of Michigan to allow the scholarship to be given annually.
Recipient(s) may be selected on the basis of financial need.
Learn More About the Nancy and Roger Bandeen Scholarship in Education
Larry and Maxine Beckman Endowed Scholarship in Education
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be undergraduate and/or post-BA (internship year) students admitted to the College of Education, pursuing teacher certification. Preference will be given to applicants with financial need. It is the Donor’s preference that the award be renewable as long as the student remains in academic good standing. Preference will be given to applicant with financial needs.
Learn More About Larry and Maxine Beckman Endowed Scholarship in Education
The Denzil M. and Mary Jean Bell Endowed Scholarship in Education
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be students who are admitted into the College of Education (Junior/Senior/or post BA Internship year) and pursing a teacher education degree in elementary or secondary education programs. Recipients will be selected based on academic performance and financial need and will generally be selected during the Spring semester, with awards to be effective the following Fall semester. The award is renewable for up to three years if the student continues to meet the criteria. At the discretion of the Dean of the College of Education, any available Expendable Amounts may be returned to the endowment. Awards will be usually be credited during the tuition payment process. It is the Donors intent to grow the number of recipients for this award over the course of three years, and to do so one student at a time. An illustration of the donor’s intent is below:
Year 1: One Junior awardee
Year 2: One Junior awardee, One Senior awardee
Year 3 and beyond: One Junior awardee, One Senior awardee, One Post BA Internship Year awardee.
Learn More About The Denzil M. and Mary Jean Bell Endowed Scholarship in Education
Glenn D. Berkheimer Family Endowed Scholarship in Science Education
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education at the junior, senior, or post-B.A. internship (fifth) year level and shall be selected on the basis of their academic achievement in science and their desire to pursue a career in the field of science education.
Learn More About the Glenn D. Berkheimer Family Endowed Scholarship in Science Education
Allan L. and Florence H. Book Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education
Recipients will be undergraduate students who have been admitted to the teacher education program in either elementary or secondary education with a major in language arts, English, journalism, or communication.
Such students must demonstrate high academic achievement, community involvement and a commitment to a career in teaching.
Preference is to be given to students from Illinois, southwest Michigan (Van Buren, Berrien, Kalamazoo counties), and out of the state of Michigan.
Such scholarships may be renewed for one year including the internship year if the student remains in good academic standing. The scholarship cannot be renewed to pursue graduate studies other than to complete the internship year. The scholarship cannot be renewed to pursue graduate studies other than to complete the internship year.
Learn More About Allen L. and Florence H. Book Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education
Dr. Shirley H. Brehm Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education
Recipients shall be students enrolled in a teacher preparation program in elementary education with a major and/or minor in science or mathematics education or in secondary education with a major in science or mathematics. Selection will be based on financial need as determined by the federal government according to its policies and procedures and on academic merit. Preference will be given to students who graduated from a high school in a rural district.
Learn More About the Dr. Shirley H. Brehm Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education
Angeline Buckwick Endowed Scholarship
Recipients shall be selected on a basis of their admission to Michigan State University as a freshman or transfer student, and their intent to pursue and complete a degree in elementary education. Past recipients may continue to receive the award providing satisfactory academic progress is maintained as he/she pursues their degree in elementary education. Eligible recipients are those undergraduate students admitted to the College of Education intending to pursue their degree in elementary education with the intent and desire to teach grades K-3. Preference will be given to those students demonstrating financial need and who are gainfully employed in the effort to secure a part or all of their educational expenses.
Glenn and Thelma Buell College of Education Endowed Scholarship
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipient(s) shall be admitted students to the teacher certification program in the College of Education at the junior, senior or post BA level (internship year). The scholarship may be renewed providing satisfactory academic progress is maintained by the recipient(s) as determined by the College. No recipient may receive the award for more than (6) academic semesters.
Learn More About the Glenn and Thelma Buell College of Education Endowed Scholarship
Robert K. Burnett Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Recipients shall be admitted undergraduate students in the College of Education secondary education program and shall be selected on the basis of their love of science, their desire to pursue a career in the field of science education and their potential for success in teaching.
Biology students will be given first preference. This award is intended to encourage students preparing to teach at the high school level in one of the hard sciences including biology, chemistry, or physics.
Learn More About Robert K. Burnett Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Arthur R. and Pearl Butler Scholarship
For students in the field of Education
Kay and Dale Carlson Scholarship
Undergraduate/Intern Year
It is the Donors’ wish for the scholarship to support undergraduate and/or post-BA (internship year) students who are admitted to the College of Education and pursuing a teacher education degree.
Charles H. and Betty Lou Awrey Carscallen Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be undergraduate students or post B.A. (intern year) students from a rural district, who have been admitted to the teacher education program in either elementary or secondary education with demonstrated financial need as determined by the federal government according to its policies and procedures.
Preference will be given to students in elementary education from Ogemaw County, MI. If such a student is not identified in a particular year, the following criteria (in order of preference) should be used.
- (a) Secondary education student from Ogemaw County.
- (b) Elementary education student from the following Michigan Counties (listed in alphabetical order): Alcona, Arenac, Clare, Crawford, Gladwin, Iosco, Kalkaska, Missaukee, Montmorency, Osceola, Oscoda, Otsego and Roscommon.
- (c) Secondary education student from the same Michigan counties listed above.
- (d) Elementary education student from a rural district in Michigan.
- (e) Secondary education student from a rural district in Michigan.
Such scholarships may be renewable for up to four years (for five total years) if the student remains in good academic standing.
Sonja L. Castle Fifth Year Endowed Scholarship in Education
Intern Year
The scholarship must support a student entering into their fifth year post BA internship in the College of Education. It is the donor’s preference that the student also demonstrates financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) along with a commitment to teaching at the Elementary Level. Recipients will generally be selected during the Spring Semester, with awards to be effective the following Fall semester. The number of awards made in a given year and the amount of the awards will be based upon available Expendable amounts in that year. Awards will usually be credited during the tuition payment process.
Learn More About Sonja L. Castle Fifth Year Endowed Scholarship in Education
Michael A. Clark Endowed Scholarship
Undergraduate (Senior)/Intern Year
For students entering their senior or internship year who plan a career teaching and coaching in a public school. Requires two letters of recommendation. Can be from faculty, employers, internship/volunteers supervisors, etc. The applicant’s Personal Statement should include a description of their experiences as an athlete and as a coach, as well as their reasons for wanting to teach and coach in the public schools.
The Coneybeare Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Recipients will be admitted students – undergraduate or post-BA (internship year) – in the elementary or secondary education program. Selection will be based on financial need with financial need being determined by the federal government according to its policies and procedures. Recipients are normally selected during the Spring semester, with awards to be effective the following Fall semester. The number of awards made in a given year and the amount of the awards will be based upon available Expendable Amounts in that year. Generally, awards are credited during the tuition payment process. The Office of the Provost shall be responsible for stewardship of Endowment expenditures in perpetuity, exercising oversight and making any necessary administrative adjustments to assure that Endowment funds are properly expended.
Learn More About The Coneybeare Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
William F. and Harriette C. Cook Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship for the Study of Literacy
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Students must show an expressed interest in the field of literacy, and the intention to work in literacy following their graduation from MSU.
If two qualified nominees are otherwise equal, the presence of financial need for one strongly supports his or her selection.
Although American citizenship is not a selection criteria for the Cook Scholarship, the recipient of the Cook Scholarship must intend to work in the field of literacy within the United States.
Cotterman Family Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education
Recipients shall be admitted students in elementary education who have the intent and desire to teach grades K-3 who are preparing to complete their fifth year student teaching internship. Recipients must demonstrate unmet financial need.
This is for students who intend to pursue careers as K-12 teachers and to advance the ideals and purposes of the TNE program.
Must be preparing to complete the fifth year student teaching internship.
Learn More About Cotterman Family Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education
Beaulah R. Crane Scholarship
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be undergraduate or post B.A. internship (fifth) year students enrolled in the College of Education. Preference will be given to graduates of Michigan Center, but students from the counties of Jackson, Ingham, Calhoun, Washtenaw and Lenawee are incouraged to apply and eligble for this scholarship.
Jeanie Saldeen Crosby and Margaret Douglas Saldeen Endowment Scholarship in Elementary Education
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be undergraduate or post B.A. internship (fifth) year students enrolled in the College of Education pursuing elementary teacher certification. Recipients shall be selected on a basis of financial need, with financial need being determined by the Federal Government according to its policies’ and procedures. Candidates for this award must have graduated from a public high school in the cities of Flint, Detroit, or Lansing, MI, or other urban districts including those in other states if no candidates are available from these three cities.
Marian A. Dammon Scholarship
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education at the junior, senior, or post B.A. level (intern year) and shall be selected on the basis of their interest in teaching English and Creative Writing at the secondary level.
The Marvin O. and Peggy Savage Dunn Endowed Scholarship in Early Elementary Education
Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education who are entering their post B.A. internship (fifth) year and shall be selected on a basis of financial need with financial need being determined by the federal government according to its policies and procedures. Recipients will preferably have received no scholarship for academic achievement, and will intend to teach lower elementary in a public school setting. Preference will be given to students that have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education, for elementary education, coupled with an additional major in Child Development from the College of Social Science.
The Thelma Dunn Hansen Scholarship Endowed By Marv and Peggy Dunn
Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the Urban Educator Cohort Program that are in their fifth year internship. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need as determined by the Federal Government according to its policies and procedures. Preference will be given to non-traditional students. Single parents, adult students with children returning to complete a degree program and applicants who have experiences life-changing circumstances (such as the death of a spouse or partner) are particularly encouraged to apply. It is the Donors’ intent to support a teacher candidate who has not received financial help based on high academic achievement, but who demonstrates creativity, empathy and enthusiasm for teaching as identified by his or her peers, professors, and/or supervising teachers during their junior and senior years.
Learn More About The Thelma Dunn Hansen Scholarship Endowed by Marvin O. Dunn and Peggy Savage Dunn
Jennie E. Eason Special Education Scholarship
To aid full-time students training in special education. Preference shall be given to students majoring in spastic or cerebral palsied children.
Learn More About the Jennie E. Eason Special Education Scholarship
Geraldine T. Elliott Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education
Internship Year
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education at the fifth-year post-baccalaureate level, and shall be selected on the basis of their interest in teaching elementary education. Recipients must have a minimum of a 2.8 GPA and demonstrate unmet financial need. Preference will be given to applicants from underrepresented groups.
Learn More About the Geraldine T. Elliott Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education
Clifford E. Erickson Memorial Fund
Undergraduate (Senior) or Graduate
The recipient must be a graduating senior or graduate student earning a degree from the College of Education and one whom has been given recognition for either outstanding achievement or potential success in the field of education.
Clark and Lani Ford Endowed Scholarship in Math and Science Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be undergraduate and/or students in their internship year enrolled in a secondary education program in the College of Education with a major in mathematics, chemistry or physics. Recipients will be selected based on academic merit.
Learn More About the Clark and Lani Ford Endowed Scholarship in Math and Science Education
John and Joanne Fuller Endowed Scholarship in Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education elementary education program at the junior, senior, or post B.A. level (intern year). Selections will be based on academic merit and financial need. Preference will be given to candidates who have received the majority of freshman and sophomore credits from a community college(s).
Learn More About the John and Joanne Fuller Endowed Scholarship in Education
Ann Graham Public Education Policy Internship
Undergraduate (Junior/Senior)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education elementary education program at the junior or senior level with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. The successful candidate will also be a good standing member of the student MEA-NEA organization. The recipient will be required to work 6-8 hours per week, on average, on site at MEA Government Affairs in East Lansing, Michigan during the regular university acadmic year of internship. Off-site time and travel may also be required for various legislative events, political events, and conferences within Michigan. Internship hours will be determined by the academic needs of the intern, his/her schedule, university/college schedule, and the needs of MEA Government Affairs. The recipient will be required to compose a written report upon completion of the internship outlining tasks accomplished, skills acquired, and knowledge learned. Recipients are normally selected during the Spring semester, with awards to be effective the following Fall semester. The number of awards made in a given year and the amount of the awards will be based upon available Expendable Amounts in that year. Generally, awards are credited during the tuition payment process. The Office of the Provost shall be responsible for stewardship of Endowment expenditures in perpetuity, exercising oversight and making any unnecessary administrative adjustments to assure that Endowment funds are properly expended.
Learn More About the Ann Graham Public Education Policy Internship
Gaylin Green Miller Endowed Scholarship in Education
Recipients should be admitted students in the College of Education in good academic standing. Recipients will be selected based on financial need with financial need being determined by the federal government according to its policies and procedures. Priority will be given to students from southeast Michigan
Learn More About the Gaylin Green Miller Endowed Scholarship in Education
Grove Family Endowed Scholarship in Education
Recipients should be admitted students in the College of Education elementary education program with a minimum 3.0 grade point average. Recipients will be selected based on financial need being determined by the federal government according to its policies and procedures.
Learn More About the Grove Family Endowed Scholarship in Education
Mary Lee Gardner Gwizdala Endowed Scholarship
Undergraduate (Junior)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education at the junior level, who have achieved at least a 3.5 average and exhibit a desire to teach at the elementary or secondary level. They shall be graduates of a high school in the State of Michigan. This Scholarship can be renewed.
Learn More About the Mary Lee Gardner Gwizdala Endowed Scholarship
Darlene C. Hatch Memorial Endowment in Elementary Education
Undergraduate/Intern Year
i. Recipients shall be admitted students – juniors, seniors, or post BA (Internship year) – in the elementary or secondary education program. Award is renewable by application.
ii. Preference shall be given to those students whose home residence is in the metro Detroit area.
iii. Special consideration shall be given to assure that this Scholarship supports the university’s stated mission of building and supporting a culture of diversity and inclusion on campus.
Learn More About the Darlene C. Hatch Memorial Endowment in Elementary Education
Joann and Robert Hawkins Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education at the junior, senior, or post-baccalaureate level (intern year) pursuing a degree in elementary, secondary, or special education and paying out of state tuition. Recipients will be selected on the basis of financial need.
Learn More About the Joann and Robert Hawkins Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education
Jane F. Hesse Endowed Scholarship in Education
Candidates for the scholarship shall be Honors College students enrolled as undergraduates in the College of Education, pursuing teacher certification.
Learn More About the Jane F. Hesse Endowed Scholarship in Education
The Keith and Beth Hicks Endowed Scholarship in Education
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education elementary education program. Preference will be given to out-of state students particularly students from Ohio. Final selections will be based upon these criteria as well as on academic merit and financial need.
Learn More About The Keith and Beth Hicks Endowed Scholarship in Education
W. Vernon Hicks Memorial Scholarship
To recognize an outstanding student and/or practitioner in elementary education.
Frederick L. and Margaret E. Hubacker Endowed Scholarship in Business and Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
The recipient from the College of Education must be an undergraduate or teacher certification intern majoring in Elementary Education and preference will be given to those who have completed at least two years of undergraduate study. The recipient shall be selected on a basis of academic excellence, leadership qualities, and financial need.
J. Franklin Hyde Scholarship in Science Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be selected on the basis of superior academic achievements, a demonstrated aptitude for their chosen content area, as well as a sincere interest in and perceived talent for teaching chemistry at the secondary level. Junior, Senior, and Intern – three-year award with internship at Dow Chemical following Junior year. Preference to applicants with special needs and to those who are children of Dow Corning employees.
Learn More About the J. Franklin Hyde Scholarship in Science Education
Read more
Learn about the impact of theHyde Scholarship in the New Educatormagazine.
Read more about the scholarships in action, view the Dow Corning annual report.
Juett-Hackett Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education
Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education who are entering their post B.A. internship (fifth) year and shall be selected on a basis of academic achievement and a strong desire to pursue a career in the field of teaching.
Learn More About the Juett-Hackett Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education
Norene Keaton Memorial Calhoun County MSU Alumni Association Scholarship
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be:
- i) A graduate of a high school in Calhoun County.
- ii) Admitted students to the College of Education at the junior, senior, or post-B.A. (fifth) year level
- iii) Talented students, in good academic standing as determined by the College of Education
- iv) Financial need may be considered
MSU will also request each Scholarship recipient(s) to allow the College of education and/or the MSU Alumni Club in his or her area the use of his/her photograph and biographical information in publication(s) of the scholarship award.
Learn More About the Norene Keaton Memorial Calhoun County MSU Alumni Association Scholarship
Jeremiah J. Kenney, Jr. and Elizabeth Cornish Kenney Scholarship
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be juniors, seniors, or post B.A. (internship year) students admitted in the elementary or secondary education program. This award is renewable. Number of awards shall be based upon available expendable amounts in that year.
Learn More About the Jeremiah J. Kenney, Jr. and Elizabeth Cornish Kenney Scholarship
Elizabeth Boardman Kett Endowed Scholarship in Math Education
Recipients must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States according to U.S. immigration laws and be admitted in the College of Education secondary education program with a major in Mathematics.
Learn More About the Elizabeth Boardman Kett Endowed Scholarship in Math Education
Judith A. (Toxopeus) Kleeves and John W. Kleeves Scholarship in Math Education
Recipients shall be admitted undergraduate students in the College of Education in elementary or secondary education program with a major in Mathematics. To qualify, candidates for this award must have graduated from a high school in the United States with preference given to students who have transfered from a community college. It is the Donor’s wish that the award be given to students who qaulify for financial aid and whose need level falls into the category of “moderate” to “low” need as determined by FAFSA. It is the Donor’s intention that the money of a single scholarship award serve to make the greatest impact on the student recipient(s). Therefore, the award may be renewable in the senior and/or internship year as long as the recipient(s) maintains a grade point average acceptable to the college.
Learn More About the Judith A. and John W. Kleeves Scholarship in Math Education
Lisa A. Knaup Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Undergraduate/Internship Year
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education at the Senior or post B.A. level (intern year) and shall be selected on the basis of their written statement (approximately 500 words) concerning their interest in mathematics and/or science and their strong desire to teach at the elementary level.
Learn More About the Lisa A. Knaup Endowed Memorial Scholarship
The Harry and Bertha Konopko Endowed Scholarship Fund for Teachers
The scholarship will be awarded to incoming freshman who qualify for federal financial aid, with preference to students who are first-generation in their family to attend college.
Learn More About The Harry and Bertha Konopko Endowed Scholarship Fund for Teachers
The Albert G. & Margaret P. Krieger Elementary Education Scholarship
Undergraduate/Intern Year
It is the donors wish for the scholarship to support undergraduate and/or post BA (Internship Year) students who are admitted into the College of Education and pursing a teaching degree in Elementary Education.
Learn More About The Albert G. & Margaret P. Krieger Elementary Education Scholarship
LDA of Michigan Flo Curtis Special Education Endowment
Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be fifth year interns participating in the Special Education Internship Program.
Learn More About the LDA of Michigan Flo Curtis Special Education Endowment
The Michael B. Salwen and Okhee Lee-Salwen Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education
The scholarship will be awarded to students demonstrating financial need. The scholarship will be renewable each year if the student remains in good standing with MSU and the College of Education.
Margaret F. Lorimer Endowed Scholarship in Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education who are pursuing degrees in elementary or secondary education and who are entering their junior, senior, or internship or student teaching year. Recipients must have a minimum of a 3.2 grade point average, with preference given to applicants with demonstrated unmet financial need. The scholarship is renewable for one year pending continued eligibility.
Learn More About the Margaret F. Lorimer Endowed Scholarship in Education
Walter C. and Patricia J. Mack Endowed Scholarship in Education
This scholarship will be given to undergraduate student(s) enrolled in the College of Education with a major in Kinesiology. Recipient(s) shall be selected on the basis of strong academic performance and financial need.
Learn More About the Walter C. and Patricia J. Mack Endowed Scholarship in Education
The Shelly Manvel Pocket Angel Scholarship Fund
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Education pursuing teacher certification or students who are entering their post B.A. internship (fifth) year. Preference will be given to students that have had involvement with and been served by the Alternatives for Girls Program in Detroit, Michigan, which serves both men and women.
Learn More About the Shelly Manvel Pocket Angel Scholarship Fund
Janice Marston Memorial Scholarship
To provide assistance for needy and worthy adult students re-entering the College of Education to complete their education. Selected on basis of financial need and academic merit.
John M. Mason Scholarship in Science Education
Undergraduate (Junior)
The recipient shall be selected on the basis of academic achievement and have a strong desire to pursue a career in the field of science education. Student must be a Junior in Teacher Education. Academic merit and material circumstances of the candidate will also be considered.
Learn More About the John M. Mason Scholarship in Science Education
The Max and Beverley Scholarship in Education
Undergraduate (Junior/Senior)/Internship Year (5thYear)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education who are pursuing degrees in elementary or secondary education and who are entering their junior, senior, or post B.A. internship (fifth) year. Recipients shall be selected on a basis of financial need with financial need being determined by the federal government according to its policies and procedures. Preference will be given to students from St. Joseph, Branch, or Cass County.
Learn More About The Max and Beverley Scholarship in Education
College of Education Memorial
Patrick J. Morgan and Kathleen Ezzo Morgan Endowed Scholarship
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be undergraduate and/or post-BA (internship year) admitted to the College of Education, pursuing a teacher certification. First preference will be for students from Wyandotte, Michigan. If no such student is available, a second preference would be for students from any of the other seventeen suburban cities and townships in Wayne County, Michigan south of Detroit, Michigan collectively known as the Downriver Communities (“Downriver Communities”). The following suburbs and/or townships are included in the considered part of the Downriver Communities: Allen Park, Brownstown Township, Ecorse, Flat Rock, Gibraltar, Grosse Ile, Huron Charter Township, Lincoln Park, Melvindale, River Rouge, Riverview, Rockwood, Romulus, Southgate, Taylor, Trenton, Woodhaven, and Wyandotte, Michigan. If no such student is available, a third preference would be given to students residing in the state of Michigan.
Learn More About the Patrick J. Morgan and Kathleen Ezzo Morgan Endowed Scholarship Fund
Kathleen and Eldon Murphy Scholarship in Education
This scholarship will be given to student(s) enrolled in a College of Education teacher education program in elementary education, special education, or secondary education. Recipient(s) shall be selected on the basis of strong academic performance. Awards are renewable. First preference will be for students from Hillsdale County (Michigan); Second preference will be for students from the following Michigan counties: Branch, Calhoun, Jackson and Lenawee; Third preference for students who graduated from a high school in Michigan.
Learn More About the Kathleen and Eldon Murphy Scholarship in Education
Barbara Jean (Bowman) Skinner Endowed Scholarship
Recipients will be selected on the basis of graduating from one of the following high schools, in order of preference: Addison High School, Lenawee County high schools, or Okemos High School.
Learn more about the (Barbara Jean (Bowman) Skinner Endowed Scholarship)
Sterling G. Murray Memorial Grant
Recipients must be undergraduates and or graduates who are enrolled for at least 12 credits in the term/semester during which the award is made. Recipients must also indicate promise of making a professional contribution to the field of education. Recipient shall be selected on the basis of financial need.
Nelson-MacLellan Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education at the undergraduate level or post baccalaureate (intern year) and shall be selected on the basis of their academic excellence, financial need, and their strong interest in special education.
Learn More About the Nelson-MacLellan Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education
Louise R. Newman Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Ester and Edwin Rosenthal
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients will be undergraduate students (freshman/sophomore) with a stated interest in pursuing admission in the elementary, secondary or special education programs in the College of Education and/or students enrolled in elementary, secondary or special education programs in the College of Education including students at the post-baccalaureate level (internship year). Candidates for this award will have graduated from a Michigan high school, carry a minimum 3.0 GPA, have financial need, and plans to teach for a minimum of five years in the state of Michigan. Awards are renewable for up to four additional years if the student maintains a 3.0 GPA and remains enrolled in the program. It is the donor’s intent to provide funding up to the full cost of tuition, fees and student taxes for a single student for five consecutive years (freshman/ sophomore/junior/senior and post-baccalaureate – internship year).
Learn More About the Louise R. Newman Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Ester and Edwin Rosenthal
Victor H. and Rachel P. Noll Scholarship in Education
For undergraduate students in education with a G.P.A. of 3.0 or better, preparing and intending to teach, of good moral character and reputation, and of at least sophomore standing.
Learn More About the Victor H. and Rachel P. Noll Scholarship in Education
Karen J. O’Donovan Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship in Teacher Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education who are currently enrolled in elementary education and who have the intent and desire to teach grades K-8. They may be entering their junior, senior, or fifth-year student teaching internship year. Although financial need is not a selection criterion for the Scholarship, if two qualified nominees are otherwise equal, the presence of financial need for one strongly supports his or her selection.
Learn More About the Karen J. O’Donovan Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship in Teacher Education
Sally Ottenhoff Memorial Scholarship in Education
Undergraduate (Kinesiology)
Recipients shall be undergraduate students who are residents of Michigan and enrolled in the Department of Kinesiology with demonstrated financial need.
Learn More About the Sally Ottenhoff Memorial Scholarship in Education
Ralf A. Peckham Memorial
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)/Graduate
Recipients must be in good academic standing and financial need may be considered and must demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in rehabilitation service.
Phyllis S. Pietka Endowed Scholarship in Special Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be College of Education undergraduate or post-baccalaureate (internship year) students pursuing a career in Special Education teaching.
Learn More About the Phyllis S. Pietka Endowed Scholarship in Special Education
Paul and Mavis Pitzer Endowed Scholarship for Urban Teaching
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education at the junior, senior, or fifth-year post baccalaureate level and shall be selected on the basis of their declared interest in teaching in a large, urban public school system in the State of Michigan upon graduation. Examples of the Donors’ idea of an urban system include Detroit, Flint, Saginaw, Jackson, Bay City, Muskegon, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Benton Harbor, and Pontiac. Recipients shall be in good standing and making progress towards their degree. Awards are not renewable.
Learn More About the Paul and Mavis Pitzer Endowed Scholarship for Urban Teaching
Joyce and Jim Putnam Endowed Fund in Urban Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
- To qualify, candidates for this award must have graduated from a public high school in Flint, Detroit or other urban districts. They must express an interest in pursuing teacher certification through MSU or be admitted into an MSU Teacher Preparation program in elementary, secondary or special education. Candidates may be freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors or interns.
- Applications for the Joyce and Jim Putnam Endowed Scholarship in Urban Education will be reviewed for the following: Academic Achievement, Evidence of interest in working with PK-12 learners from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds, particularly with students in poverty and in urban settings, Evidence of successful leadership (i.e. seeking support and providing support in solving problems and successful team membership), Commitment to interning and teaching in urban schools.
- The selection of recipients shall be determined by a committee to include no less than two teachers representing public schools in urban districts. It is the Donor’s preference that teachers from Flint and Detroit are included on the committee. Upon the establishment of the Joyce and Jim Putnam Chair in Urban Education, that individual will oversee the committee and determine the amount of each award. As long as Dr. Sonya Gunnings-Moton is employed by the College of Education she will serve as selection committee chair.
- It is intended that the scholarship funds will pay for tuition and fees. However, students who have been selected to receive grants or other scholarships would qualify for consideration of support for expenses such as food, medicine, insurance, technology, transportation, housing, textbooks and/or lab fees.
- Funding will be for one year and recipients are encouraged to reapply on a yearly basis for additional support. Amount of funding will be determined based on applicant’s financial need. If a recipient has to leave school for a time (not to exceed a twelve month period) and remains in good standing with the university and with the program and resumes his or her program in elementary, secondary or special education, the remaining funds of the specified scholarship will remain available for that individual upon his or her return.
Learn More About the Joyce and Jim Putnam Endowed Fund in Urban Education
Larry W. and Patricia L. Reeves Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be College of Education undergraduate students or post B.A. (intern year) students pursuing a career in elementary, secondary or special education teaching. Recipients will be selected based on academic merit and financial need with financial need being determined by the federal government according to its policies and procedures.
Learn More About the Larry W. and Patricia L. Reeves Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education
Ian J. Render Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Undergraduate/Intern Year
Recipients shall be undergraduate and/or post-BA (internship year) students admitted into the College of Education or pursuing a teaching certificate with preference given to a student studying abroad through the Cross-Culture Study Abroad: South Africa program. Recipients will generally be selected during the spring semester, with awards to be effective for the college’s study abroad programs for summer or fall. The number of awards made in a given year and the amount of the awards will be based upon available Expendable Amounts in that year. Awards will usually be credited during the tuition payment process.
Learn More About the Ian J. Render Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Florence Rudman Endowed Scholarship in Early Childhood Education
Internship Year (5th Year)
For admitted students in their 5th year (internship year) planning to do their internship in early childhood education and planning on teaching the K-2 level. Applications should include their ACT or SAT scores, two letters of recommendation from faculty or professionals who have observed the prospective intern’s work with young children, and an essay elaborating upon their experiences with, philosophy about, and commitment to teach early childhood education.
Learn More About the Florence Rudman Endowed Scholarship in Early Childhood Education
Frank M. and Ernestine D. Simmons Endowed Scholarship in Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education teacher education program at the junior, senior, or post B.A. level (intern year). Preference will be given to students with demonstrated unmet financial need. It is the donors’ intent to support students from underrepresented groups.
Learn More About the Frank M. and Ernestine D. Simmons Endowed Scholarship in Education
Julian W. Smith Memorial Scholarship
To aid students in outdoor and science education.
Kermit H. and Ruth M. Smith Endowed Scholarship Fund for Prospective Teachers
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education at the junior, senior, or post-baccalaureate level (intern year) pursuing a degree in elementary, secondary, or special education, minimum 3.7 GPA.
Recipients shall also be selected based on:
- Demonstration of such personal qualities as: initiative, leadership, resourcefulness and enthusiasm for teaching as well as good verbal and written communication skills.
- If any of the top 5 candidates based on criteria #1 are transfer students (with a minimum of 24 transferable credits) from Michigan community colleges, preference will be given to these students in the order of their criteria #1 ranking.
- Financial need as tie-breaker.
Three letters of recommendation or equivalent, at least two of which are from current or former teachers.
Learn More About the Kermit H. and Ruth M. Smith Endowed Scholarship Fund for Prospective Teachers
Thomas W. Smith Endowed Scholarship in Kinesiology
Recipients shall be undergraduate students pursuing a degree in Kinesiology.
Learn More About the Thomas W. Smith Endowed Scholarship in Kinesiology
The Alicia Brown Stapleton and James Hall Stapleton Fund
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Scholarship support for undergraduate students who meet the federal definition for financial need who are enrolled in the College of Education and pursuing a degree in Elementary Education. The Scholarship may also be awarded to a student(s) in their fifth-year internship.
Learn More About the Alicia Brown Stapleton and James Hall Stapleton Fund
Steller/Knepper Endowed Scholarship for Stellar Scholars
Undergraduate Award Eligibility Requirements:
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education, must have a minimum of a 3.2 GPA, must write an essay describing why they want to enter their chosen field and how they hope to enhance the field of education they have chosen. The essay must be grammatically correct, clear, focused, well organized, thoughtful, and in good English in order to be considered.
Preference will be given to the extent legally possible to students who meet one or more of the following characteristics:
- Plan to enter math, science, or related fields of teaching.
- Plan to enter other fields in which teachers are in short supply.
- Belong to underrepresented groups who will contribute to diversity in the classroom for the level and subject they intend to teach.
- Can be identified as strivers or overachieving students (e.g. the SAT designation for those with higher scores than would be expected given their background and experience, or those identified through another method as being of higher academic ability than would be expected given their background and experience).
- Awards are renewable throughout the period of study required for initial state certification pending continuing academic eligibility and satisfactory progress toward the degree, at the discretion of the Dean of the College of Education. However, if the scholarship is lost due to grades or lack of satisfactory progress, a new application, including a new essay, is required
Learn More About the Steller/Knepper Endowed Scholarship for Stellar Scholars
Louise W. Stilwill Endowed Scholarship
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be graduates of a high school in the State of Michigan and shall be admitted students in the College of Education at the senior, or post BA level (intern year). The recipients shall be selected on the basis of their interest in teaching at the elementary level (K-8)
The Stuart Family Endowed Scholarship in Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
The scholarship may be awarded to elementary or secondary education students from Michigan entering their senior or the post BA internship year with the College of Education with a preference for those majoring in Music Education. Recipients should have a cumulative GPA of 3.40 or above, with preference given to post-BA internship or senior secondary education students with demonstrated unmet financial need. Scholarships may be also awarded to an outstanding junior.
Learn More About The Stuart Family Endowed Scholarship in Education
Teacher Preparation Scholarship Fund
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Provides support for students enrolled in the teacher preparation program including elementary and secondary education and post-baccalaureate students (Intern).
Trese Family Scholarship Endowment
Internship Year (5th Year)
Who have maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA, and–Recipients shall be entering their post B.A. internship (fifth year)
Judge Thomas A. and Helen Van Tiem Sr. Early Childhood Scholarship
Recipients shall be admitted students in the elementary education program in the College of Education with an intent and desire to teach grades K-3. Recipients will be selected based on academic merit.
Learn More About the Judge Thomas A. and Helen Van Tiem Sr. Early Childhood Scholarship
Sandra Vaughn Scholarship Fund (FFE)
Undergraduate (Kinesiology)
These funds shall be used to provide scholarships for undergraduate students enrolled in Kinesiology or those who have identified Kinesiology as their major. Students must have earned credits and a cumulative GPA of 3.5 of higher.
Patricia E. and Jerry C. Wagner Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education
This scholarship will be given to Honors College student(s) enrolled in a College of Education teacher education program in elementary education. Recipient(s) shall be selected on the basis of financial need as determined by the federal government according to its policies and procedures.
Learn More About the Patricia E. and Jerry C. Wagner Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education
Jack and Ingrid Wallach Endowed Scholarship in Education
Scholarships for worthy students based, at least in part, upon the need of the student to receive financial aid.
Learn More About the Jack and Ingrid Wallach Endowed Scholarship in Education
Charles and Philippa Webb Endowed Scholars Award
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be undergraduate and/or post-baccalaureate (internship year) students registered with the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD), or any future successor MSU unit, enrolled in elementary or secondary education programs in the College of Education. Recipients will be selected based on evidence provided of their need for academic support related to their disability, beyond the accommodations currently required by law. Recipients will be selected by a committee comprised of at least one faculty member from the College of Education and one staff member from the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities.
Learn More About the Charles and Philippa Webb Endowed Scholar Award
Weening Family Endowed Fund in Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be admitted students in the College of Education elementary, secondary or special education program at the post B.A. level (intern year).
Learn More About the Weening Family Endowed Fund in Education
The Peggy A. Wilczak Endowed Scholarship in Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be admitted students at the undergraduate or post-BA level in the College of Education teacher preparation programs in elementary, secondary, or special education and selected based on academic merit and financial need.
Learn More About the Peggy A. Wilczak Endowed Scholarship in Education
Irene H. and Dr. Lloyd M. Williams Endowed Scholarship
Recipients shall be selected on the basis of their acceptance to Michigan State University or to the College of Education with the intent to pursue a career in education. Preference shall be given to any student from the states of Washington and/or Minnesota who intend to pursue a degree from the College of Education. If an appropriate recipient from the states of Washington and/or Minnesota is not available then the College of Education may award the scholarship(s) to any student(s) planning to pursue, accepted to, or earning a degree in elementary or secondary education at Michigan State University.
Learn More About the Irene H. and Dr. Lloyd M. Williams Endowed Scholarship
Hazen J. and Margaret S. Wilson Endowed Scholarship
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be graduates of a high school in the State of Michigan and shall be admitted students in the College of Education at the junior, senior, or post B.A. level (intern year). The recipients shall be selected on the basis of their interest in teaching at the elementary level (K-8), and shall have exhibited in their extra-curricular activities a concern for high moral values and good citizenship.
Learn More About the Hazen J. and Margaret S. Wilson Endowed Scholarship
Woodrow Wilson, Sr. and Lillie B. Wilson Endowed Scholarship in Education
Undergraduate/Internship Year (5th Year)
Recipients shall be students admitted to the College of Education teacher preparation program at the junior, senior, or post-baccalaureate level. Recipient(s) shall be selected based on financial need and must meet federal financial aid guidelines.
Learn More About the Woodrow Wilson, Sr. and Lillie B. Wilson Endowed Scholarship in Education
Dortha E. and John D. Withrow Endowed Scholarship in Education
This scholarship will be given to student(s) enrolled in a College of Education teacher education programs in elementary education, special education, or secondary education with concentrations in math or science. Preference will be given to student(s) with the interest and capacity to adapt to learners’ needs. This may be demonstrated through letters of recommendation, personal statements, or evidence from their work with learners. Recipient(s) shall be selected on the basis of strong academic performance.
Learn More About the Dortha E. and John D. Withrow Endowed Scholarship in Education
The William and Margaret Zick Endowed Scholarship in Education
Recipients shall be admitted undergraduate students in the College of Education that intend to pursue careers as high school science teachers.
Learn More About The William and Margaret Zick Endowed Scholarship in Education
If you have questions about these scholarships, please e-mail scholarship support at or call 517-355-1734