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Elementary Education Coursework

In order to meet the goals and objectives of the Elementary Teacher Preparation Program, you will progress through the program by taking the following Teacher Education (TE) core courses:

  • In TE 150 and TE 250 (or TE 240), you begin to consider issues that are foundational to teaching diverse learners, working to understand how concepts such as equity vs. equality, the hidden curriculum, and cultural capital can help them make sense of schools as organizations, teaching and learning patterns, and classroom life. These courses can be taken during your freshmen and sophomore years.
  • In TE 301, you begin to work on thinking like a teacher, in a careful study of classroom management, motivating students to learn, and lesson planning.
  • In TE 403, TE 404, TE 405and TE 406, you work on knowing like a teacher, integrating subject matter knowledge, curriculum, and pedagogy.
  • During your internship year, TE 501 & TE 502 and TE 801, TE 802, TE 803, and TE 804, help prepare you to be engaged in the work of practicing like a teacher, putting it all together in actual supervised and mentored practice.

Program Courses & Listings View the University’s Academic Program Guide

In addition to the core TE courses of the Elementary Teacher Preparation Program, there is an Elementary Program Plan which you need to follow. For the most up-to-date information about the program plan, please see the Student Affairs Office website. For a searchable list of courses, please see the Office of the Registrar’s Schedule of Courses website.

In addition, you need to declare an Integrated Teaching Major (within College of Education), an approved Disciplinary Teaching Major (outside College of Education) or completion of two approved Teaching Minors. For more information, please view our Teaching Major Contacts list. For students choosing a Disciplinary Major consult with the college of the major. Students will be held to a minimum GPA of 2.5 to be eligible for the Internship Year for each of the following: University overall cumulative GPA, teaching major, and teaching minor(s).

Please note that Fall 2009 Freshmen must choose a teaching major. They will not have the two minor option. Minors are only additional and optional. This is based on mandated changes for Elementary Education from the Michigan Department of Education.

Registering for TE Courses

The Office of the Registrar (RO) is the official University steward of student academic records on behalf of students and the Michigan State University community. The Registrar’s Office collects, maintains, preserves, and distributes academic data with accuracy and integrity while maintaining and enforcing the standards set by federal and state laws and University policies and procedures. The Office of the Registrar is an academic service unit committed to the support of the teaching, research and service foci of Michigan State University. The RO recognizes the populations it serves and strives to provide responsive and professional support and access for students, faculty, staff, and the public.

All of the TE course registration for the Elementary Teacher Preparation Program will be processed through the Registrar’s Office (RO). However, depending on which team or cohort you have been assigned to there may be special instructions which you will need to follow for registration. Likewise, you must enroll in the same section for the Fall and Spring semesters. If your schedule does not allow this, you have to get an override from the Pre-Internship Coordinator, Andrea Kelly – akelly@msu.edu. Please note that if you are a Child Development major please make sure to check with an advisor about enrolling in the proper section in order to avoid scheduling problems.

Secondary Education Coursework

In order to meet the goals and objectives of the Secondary Teacher Preparation Program, you will progress through the program by taking the following Teacher Education (TE) core courses:

  • In TE 150 and TE 250 (or TE 240), you begin to consider issues that are foundational to teaching diverse learners, working to understand concepts such as equity vs. equality, the hidden curriculum, and cultural capital. You learn how these can help you make sense of schools as organizations, of teaching and learning patterns, and of classroom life. These courses can be taken during your freshmen and sophomore years, prior to being admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program.
  • In TE 302, you begin to work on thinking like a teacher, in a careful study of motivating students to learn. You explore the role of literacy in content area learning as well as a number of other factors that affect how students engage in school tasks.
  • In TE 407 and TE 408, you work on knowing your content like a teacher, integrating knowledge of subject matter, curriculum, and pedagogy to plan lessons.
  • During your internship year, TE 501 & TE 502 and TE 801, TE 802, TE 803, and TE 804, help prepare you to be engaged in the work of practicing like a teacher, putting it all together in actual supervised and mentored practice.

Program Courses & Listings View the University’s Academic Program Guide

In addition to the core TE courses of the Secondary Teacher Preparation Program, you must complete the requirements for a university undergraduate degree in your teaching major. The University Academic Programs Guide and your academic advisor in your major are important sources of information about these requirements.

In addition, unless you are an Art, Kinesiology or Physical Science teaching major, you need to declare a Teaching Minor. A complete list of teaching minors is available in the University Academic Programs Guide. For more information, please view our Teaching Major Contacts list. Students will be held to a minimum GPA of 2.5 to be eligible for the Internship Year for each of the following: University overall cumulative GPA, teaching major, and teaching minors.

Registering for TE Courses

The Office of the Registrar (RO) is the official University steward of student academic records on behalf of students and the Michigan State University community. The Registrar’s Office collects, maintains, preserves, and distributes academic data with accuracy and integrity while maintaining and enforcing the standards set by federal and state laws and University policies and procedures.

The Office of the Registrar is an academic service unit committed to the support of the teaching, research and service foci of Michigan State University. The RO recognizes the populations it serves and strives to provide responsive and professional support and access for students, faculty, staff, and the public.

All of the TE course registration for the Secondary Teacher Preparation Program will be processed through the Registrar’s Office (RO). However, depending on the cohort to which you have been assigned there may be special instructions which you will need to follow for registration. Pay close attention to any of these requirements described in the comments in the Schedule of Courses. Look for additional information from the Secondary Team during enrollment periods, or contact the Secondary Team Office (347 EH, 355-1726, (team4@msu.edu) if you have questions.