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Rebecca Sandee is an alum of MSU's Teacher Preparation Program, and was named 2022 MI Elementary Teacher of the Year!
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Elementary Education

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Becoming an Elementary Education Teacher

The College of Education is in the process of moving to a four-year Teacher Preparation Program. Changes are being implemented across the website, but it may take some time before all changes are complete. For the most up-to-date information on this transition and how it may impact you, please speak with your academic advisor.

The Elementary Teacher Preparation Program at Michigan State University is a four-year program with an emphasis on preparing professional elementary teachers. We have been ranked No. 1 in the nation for elementary (and secondary) education for three consecutive decades (U.S. News & World Report). The No. 1 ranking reflects our commitment to developing and mentoring excellent teaching practices. It also reflects our outstanding reputation with superintendents, principals, teachers and educators not only in Michigan, but around the globe. The reason for this reputation is simple: MSU’s College of Education develops teacher leaders.

You will gain knowledge and skills to teach all subjects in pre-kindergarten through third grade (PK-3) or third grade through sixth grade (3-6) and in an additional endorsement area (ESL or Birth-K). Key elements of the program include a strong foundation in all content areas plus additional depth in your endorsement area, courses on the most effective teaching practices with a focus on supporting equity and social justice, and a full-year, guided teaching internship in a public school after completing the bachelor’s degree.

Commitment to excellence

We believe in excellence. We believe that strong teaching habits require practice, time and coaching.

The classes that you take include practical field experiences that allow you to use what you learn in the college classroom and apply it in a school or community setting—sometimes even the very next day!

First-class Internships

The internship phase of MSU’s Elementary Teacher Preparation Program is universally recognized as unparalleled and first-class. We have placed interns in school districts across the state of Michigan. With so many internship placements and possibilities, we strive to place our interns in schools and locations which are tailored to their strengths and desire to grow into their teaching profession.