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Secondary Education Internship Welcome Guide

The resources in this Welcome Guide will help mentors and interns get to know each other, learn about the internship year program, and do some early planning together before the internship begins in August. In August, interns and mentors will meet their field instructors, who will provide additional customized support in designing an experience for the interns that is sensible in the school context while within the guidelines of the MSU program.

IMPORTANT: Please consult the Internship Guide for the Substitute Teaching by Interns policy. To summarize the policy: Interns can begin subbing for their mentor teacher only after the first Guided Lead Teaching is completed (usually around the middle of October) with the consent in writing of the mentor teacher, field instructor and building administrator. Interns may substitute teach for no more than 15 days during the year-long internship.

Please review the information in this Welcome Guide and contact your placement coordinator if you have questions.

Preliminary Course Enrollment Information

All interns must enroll in the following courses:


  • TE 501 (6 cr.) – Internship in Teaching Diverse Learners I
  • TE 801 (3 cr.) – Professional Roles and Teaching Practice I
  • TE 802 (3 cr.) – Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice I


  • TE 502 (6 cr.) – Internship in Teaching Diverse Learners II
  • TE 803 (3 cr.) – Professional Roles and Teaching Practice II
  • TE 804 (3 cr.) – Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice II
  • TE 503 (1 cr.) – Internship in Additional Endorsement Area (minor), only required for those seeking certification in areas beyond the major.

Additional information about the courses is available in the Internship Guide.

TE 501, 502, 503, 802 and 804 sections are determined by an intern’s subject area. See the MSU Schedule of Courses for additional details about the sections of these courses in which each intern should be enrolled.

TE 801 and 803 sections are determined by an intern’s placement school. Initially, interns should enroll in section 8 of TE 801 and TE 803. Coordinators will assign specific sections when the bulk of placements are confirmed, and share that information with interns in August prior to the start of classes. Interns remain in the same section for both TE 801 and TE 803.

Interns should plan to enroll for internship courses between mid-May and mid-July. The university will charge a late fee of $50 to interns not enrolled in any courses by 8 pm on the mid July deadline (contact the registrar for the specific date). See the MSU Academic Calendar. Further, interns cannot begin their field placement until they are properly enrolled for the internship courses. Only enrolled students are covered by our indemnification agreements with placement schools.

As part of their course expectations, all interns should make plans to attend the Secondary Intern Convocation Ceremony. Please check your email for information.

Mentor teachers are warmly welcomed and encouraged to attend this celebration of the internship year.