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Conflict Resolution Policy

If there is a conflict between the Intern and Mentor Teacher that can not be mutually resolved, the following procedure shall be initiated:

  1. The Intern or the Mentor Teacher shall notify the MSU Field Instructor of the conflict.
  2. The Field Instructor will notify the Special Education Internship Coordinator of the reported conflict and will decide who will attend the initial problem solving meeting.
  3. A meeting to discuss the concerns of all interested parties will be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time. Minimum participants included are the Mentor Teacher, Intern, and Field Instructor. The goals for this meeting shall be to:
    • Share concerns
    • Clarify each person’s perspective relative to the concerns
    • Brainstorm possible solutions
    • Develop a mutually agreed upon course of action
    • Create a schedule for monitoring the effectiveness of the action plan
    • The committee will set a time and date to reconvene and discuss the actions taken and their effectiveness. If at a future time all members agree that the meeting is not needed, it will be cancelled.
  4. A summary of the meeting shall be written by the MSU Field Instructor. This summary will be distributed to the Intern, Mentor Teacher, SE Internship Coordinator, SE Faculty Coordinator.
  5. If a decision is made to change assignments in order to resolve the conflict, persons identified above and the building administrator must be notified by the Team Coordinator.

Exigent situations:

  1. The Intern or the Mentor Teacher shall notify the MSU Field Instructor of a violation of the Professional Conduct Standards.
  2. The Field Instructor shall notify the SE Internship Coordinator, Special Education Faculty Coordinator, and the Teacher Education Team Coordinator.
  3. The Special Education Internship Coordinator and Team Coordinator may decide to immediately suspend the Internship placement.
  4. A meeting to discuss the concerns of all interested parties will be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time. The goals for this meeting shall be:
    • Share concerns
    • Clarify each person’s perspective relative to the concerns
    • Brainstorm possible solutions
    • Develop a mutually agreed upon course of action
  5. A summary of the meeting shall be written by the Field Instructor on the nature of the exigent situation and rationale for the decision.
  6. The committee will set a time and date to reconvene and discuss the actions taken and their effectiveness. If at a future time all members agree that the meeting is not needed, it will be cancelled.