Details about Ed.S. practicum, internship, and comprehensive exams can be found in the Ed.S. Program Handbook.
Practicum and Internship
Students complete fieldwork in years one, two, and three of the program. During year one, students spend a half day a week in a local elementary school under the supervision of a general education teacher. During year two, students complete a 600-hour practicum in a public school supervised by a credentialed school psychologist. During year three, students complete a 1200-hour Internship from late August to May in a public school supervised by a credentialed school psychologist with at least three years of experience.
A distinguishing feature of the School Psychology Program at Michigan State University is a commitment to authentic professional practice settings. Throughout the program, students log their hours and activities using the program-provided practicum log. Fieldwork site and supervisor placements are determined by faculty who take into consideration each student’s prior experiences to ensure that the student has the opportunity to work with k-12 students with diverse strengths and needs throughout the program.
First Year Practicum
Students participate in a variety of activities within a general education classroom under the supervision of a general education teacher. Students typically spend about a half-day in the same classroom each week. The focus of this practicum is to see and understand children’s learning, development, and behavior in context. Students study the culture of schools to appreciate how the classroom and school contexts influence each child’s development and learning.
Second Year Practicum (CEP 893K, Fall and Spring)
Students complete 600 practicum hours, working roughly two days a week, from late August to May in K-12 public schools under the supervision of a credentialed school psychologist. During this practicum, students gradually take on the roles and functions of a school psychologist. This experience provides students with the opportunity to learn about the culture of schools, to develop relationships with staff, to become familiar with procedures and practices of the district, to conduct assessments, to design and implement interventions, to examine systems-level data, and to participate in the professional community.
Internship (CEP 894K, Fall and Spring)
Internship is a full-time, year-long experience from August to May, in which students accrue at least 1200 hours in a public school under the supervision of credentialed school psychologist with at least three years of experience. In this year of increasing responsibility and autonomy, the internship provides each intern with a broad range of experiences (e.g., assessment for eligibility, direct intervention, consultation with educators and administrators, prevention work, systems-level data analysis, in-service training, and research/program evaluation).
NASP Domains/Ed.S. Program Goals
NASP Domains of Competence (2020 Standards)
Domain 1: Data-Based Decision Making
School psychologists understand and utilize assessment methods for identifying strengths and needs; developing effective interventions, services, and programs; and measuring progress and outcomes within a multitiered system of supports. School psychologists use a problem-solving framework as the basis for all professional activities. School psychologists systematically collect data from multiple sources as a foundation for decision-making at the individual, group, and systems levels, and they consider ecological factors (e.g., classroom, family, and community characteristics) as a context for assessment and intervention.
Domain 2: Consultation and Collaboration
School psychologists understand varied models and strategies of consultation and collaboration applicable to individuals, families, groups, and systems, as well as methods to promote effective implementation of services. As part of a systematic and comprehensive process of effective decision making and problem solving that permeates all aspects of service delivery, school psychologists demonstrate skills to consult, collaborate, and communicate effectively with others.
Domain 3: Academic Interventions and Instructional Supports
School psychologists understand the biological, cultural, and social influences on academic skills; human learning, cognitive, and developmental processes; and evidence-based curricula and instructional strategies. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, use assessment and data collection methods to implement and evaluate services that support academic skill development in children.
Domain 4: Mental and Behavioral Health Services and Interventions
School psychologists understand the biological, cultural, developmental, and social influences on mental and behavioral health, behavioral and emotional impacts on learning, and evidence-based strategies to promote social–emotional functioning. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, design, implement, and evaluate services that promote resilience and positive behavior, support socialization and adaptive skills, and enhance mental and behavioral health.
Domain 5: School-Wide Practices to Promote Learning
School psychologists understand systems structures, organization, and theory; general and special education programming; implementation science; and evidence-based, school-wide practices that promote learning, positive behavior, and mental health. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, develop and implement practices and strategies to create and maintain safe, effective, and supportive learning environments for students and school staff.
Domain 6: Services to Promote Safe and Supportive Schools
School psychologists understand principles and research related to social–emotional well-being, resilience and risk factors in learning, mental and behavioral health, services in schools and communities to support multitiered prevention and health promotion, and evidence-based strategies for creating safe and supportive schools. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, promote preventive and responsive services that enhance learning, mental and behavioral health, and psychological and physical safety and implement effective crisis prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.
Domain 7: Family, School, and Community Collaboration
School psychologists understand principles and research related to family systems, strengths, needs, and cultures; evidence-based strategies to support positive family influences on children’s learning and mental health; and strategies to develop collaboration between families and schools. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, design, implement, and evaluate services that respond to culture and context. They facilitate family and school partnerships and interactions with community agencies to enhance academic and social–behavioral outcomes for children.
Domain 8: Equitable Practices for Diverse Student Populations
School psychologists have knowledge of individual differences, abilities, disabilities, and other diverse characteristics and the impact they have on development and learning. They also understand principles and research related to diversity in children, families, schools, and communities, including factors related to child development, religion, culture and cultural identity, race, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic status, and other variables. School psychologists implement evidence-based strategies to enhance services in both general and special education and address potential influences related to diversity. School psychologists demonstrate skills to provide professional services that promote effective functioning for individuals, families, and schools with diverse characteristics, cultures, and backgrounds through an ecological lens across multiple contexts. School psychologists recognize that equitable practices for diverse student populations, respect for diversity in development and learning, and advocacy for social justice are foundational to effective service delivery. While equality ensures that all children have the same access to general and special educational opportunities, equity ensures that each student receives what they need to benefit from these opportunities.
Domain 9: Research and Evidence-Based Practice
School psychologists have knowledge of research design, statistics, measurement, and varied data collection and analysis techniques sufficient for understanding research, interpreting data, and evaluating programs in applied settings. As scientist practitioners, school psychologists evaluate and apply research as a foundation for service delivery and, in collaboration with others, use various techniques and technology resources for data collection, measurement, and analysis to support effective practices at the individual, group, and/or systems levels.
Domain 10: Legal, Ethical, and Professional Practice
School psychologists have knowledge of the history and foundations of school psychology; multiple service models and methods; ethical, legal, and professional standards; and other factors related to professional identity and effective practice as school psychologists. School psychologists provide services consistent with ethical, legal, and professional standards; engage in responsive ethical and professional decision-making; collaborate with other professionals; and apply professional work characteristics needed for effective practice as school psychologists, including effective interpersonal skills, responsibility, adaptability, initiative, dependability, technological competence, advocacy skills, respect for human diversity, and a commitment to social justice and equity.
Ed.S. Program Goals
1. Foundational Knowledge
To prepare school psychologists with foundational knowledge in multi-tiered systems of supports, social justice, and a problem-solving model.
1a. Students will acquire knowledge of a multi-tiered system of supports for learning and behavior
1a. Students will demonstrate knowledge of a multi-tiered system of supports for learning and behavior
1b. Students will acquire understanding of domains of individual difference, and social justice as a framework for promoting equity in the delivery of services to students with diverse needs
1b. Students will demonstrate understanding of domains of individual difference, and social justice as a framework for promoting equity in the delivery of services to students with diverse needs
1bi. Students will demonstrate understanding of domains of individual differences and intersectional identities
1bii. Students will demonstrate understanding of social justice as a framework for promoting equity in the delivery of services to students with diverse needs.
1c. Students will acquire knowledge of a problem-solving model for decision making.
1c. Students will demonstrate knowledge of a problem-solving model for decision making
2. Professional Practice
To prepare school psychologists with the skills necessary for competent delivery of mental health services in school settings at multiple system levels (individual student, classroom, grade school, district).
2a. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in psychological assessment.
2a. Students will demonstrate competent integrative knowledge and skills in psychological assessment.
2ai. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in cognitive assessment.
2aii. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in academic assessment.
2aiii. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in social, emotional, & behavioral assessment.
2b. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in psychological interventions.
2b. Students will demonstrate integrative knowledge and skills in psychological interventions.
2bi. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in academic interventions.
2bii. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in social, emotional, & behavioral interventions.
2c. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in psychological consultation.
2c. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in consultation.
3. Research and Inquiry
Prepare school psychologists who effectively consume and disseminate research applicable in school settings.
3b. Students will acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to disseminating scholarly work to others.
3c. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in applying research to practice.
3b. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in disseminating scholarly work to local audiences.
3c. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in applying research within their practice.
4. Professional Conduct
Prepare school psychologists who effectively collaborate with others in delivery of services within school settings according to legal and ethical guidelines.
4a. Students will develop professional behaviors consistent with expectations of the program, university, and the discipline of school psychology.
4b. Students will develop an understanding of the legal and ethical standards within the field.
4a. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the area of professional practices.
4b. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in applying legal and ethical standards within their practice.