2024 Program Information

ATTENTION all perspective HSHSP 2024 applicants!

The 2024 HSHSP program application is now online. Please see the link below to apply for the program. All materials except the recommendations will be submitted in your application.

Application link

63rd Annual Program

June 16 – August 3, 2024

HSHSP 2018 group

There is no better way to strengthen interest in STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) subjects or careers than by working on a project under the mentorship of a university researcher. It is here that students are able to undertake detailed, focused investigation of challenging problems and to participate in many dimensions of the research process—opportunities rarely possible in schools. While these apprenticeships require great commitment, students who undertake them report that they are more enjoyable, more challenging, and more intellectually motivating.

If you are a mature high school junior with a keen interest in science, math or engineering and the ability to work independently and responsibly, you might be interested in the High School Honors Science, Engineering and Mathematics Program (HSHSP), a non-credit enrichment program sponsored by the Department of Teacher Education of Michigan State University. Founded in 1958, the HSHSP is the oldest, continuously running program of its kind in the United States.

Located on a beautiful arboretum campus, Michigan State University is one of the top 50 research institutions in the United States, and is an important center for teaching and research. While in residence at the university, participants spend the majority of their time working on research in one of the sciences, engineering or mathematics.

The participant fee for the 2024 HSHSP will be $4,000. This fee covers room, board, and some instructional costs. Participants must provide their own transportation between home and campus at the beginning and end of the program and money for personal items and non-program-sponsored activities. Scholarships based on financial need are available, and forms can be downloaded from the program website. Applications and supporting materials must be received no later March 1, 2024. Applicants will be informed of their status by May 1. To find out more about this program, visit the website or contact:

Dr. Gail Richmond, HSHSP Director

620 Farm Lane, Room 319

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48824

517 432 4854



Michigan State University is an Equal Opportunity Institution