College of Education Sitemap
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Global Education Engagement

The College of Education at Michigan State University (MSU) has in-depth experience creating and facilitating global professional learning and development opportunities for individuals and groups from across the globe.

Core components of this professional learning include strengthening and enhancing professional practice, engaged learning, and transforming school cultures. We work with a variety of groups, including early childhood, primary, and secondary teachers; school leaders; teacher educators and other university lecturers, professors and administrators; ministry of education officials; and other education stakeholders. Our faculty have expertise in a wide variety of areas.

Possible Modalities

We offer a variety of different options for global professional learning and development, including programs involving seminars and workshops by our faculty hosted at MSU, local school-based experiences and dialogue with school partners, visits to other universities and institutes in Michigan, educational programs held at your location, and virtual coaching.

Expected Outcomes

You will have materials and connections with colleagues to enhance teaching, learning, and scholarship, and to support ongoing program development. Depending on the focus and length of your program, such outcomes could include new curriculum materials, handbooks and guidelines for practices, collaborative partnerships and networks, approaches to teaching and learning, and assessment materials.

Contact Us

If you are interested in partnering with the MSU College of Education to facilitate a professional learning or development opportunity for your school, institution or organization, please contact Julie Sinclair, Ph.D.