Past Programs

Coaching 101

Funded by a grant from the Michigan Department of Education to Michigan State University, Coaching 101 is a collaborative effort to build a statewide cadre of educational coaches who have a strong knowledge base, common language, and the competence and skills necessary to promote school improvement.

All instructional Leadership and Content Area Coaches funded through Title I Regional Assistance Grants in the state of Michigan, are required to complete Coaching 101 Foundations. Coaches who have successfully completed Coaching 101 Foundations are eligible to participate in Going Deeper sessions, an ongoing professional development that provides coaches an opportunity to deepen their understanding and practice, and become part of a professional community of learners.

International Networking for Educational Transformation (iNet) Conference

Established in 2004, the International Network for Educational Transformation (iNET) is an initiative of the Schools Network, the leading body for advancing secondary school excellence and diversity in England.

iNET’s mission is to create powerful and innovative networks of schools that have achieved or have committed to achieving systematic, significant and sustained change that ensures outstanding outcomes for all students in all settings. It focuses on school transformation and aims to facilitate innovation by sharing knowledge and offering a vision of how education can move forward based on the practice of transformation. iNET has grown rapidly into a diverse network across many cultures.

K-12 Outreach has been working to introduce iNET to Michigan schools, coordinate memberships, and support schools in its use. One hundred eighty five (185) Michigan schools have joined to date. Join iNET.

Internationalizing Michigan Education Annual Conference

The K-12 Outreach Annual Education Conference has focused on cutting-edge issues (e.g., state and federal funding, rollouts for all of the grade level content expectations, and high school reform).

Past conferences have focused on such paradigm-shifting ideas as flipped classrooms, global education, the importance of student voice, system redesign, and much more.

Summer Institute for Superintendents

The yearly institute, which began in 1999, is co-sponsored by the MSU College of Education and the University of Michigan’s School of Education. It provides superintendents with the highest quality professional development related to today’s educational challenges. Superintendents can work together to experience diverse perspectives on issues and develop leadership and problem-solving strategies. Small group discussions and interactive sessions allow participants to interact with presenters, reflect, and share ideas on best practice and educational issues.