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Program Requirements

The requirements for the online program must be completed within five years. In order to meet the requirements of the University and of the College of Education, students must complete all requirements specified below.

The program is available only online and only under Plan B (without thesis). The student must complete a total of 30 credits approved by the MAED advisor distributed as follows:

  1. Both of the following courses (6 credits):
    • ED 800 Concepts of Educational Inquiry (3)
    • ED 870 Capstone Seminar (3)
  2. Complete a 3-credit Issues course which must be outside the student’s primary concentration area and approved by the MAED academic advisor.
  3. Complete one concentration area as approved by the MAED advisor (9-21 credits). Concentrations are available in Literacy Education, P-12 School and Postsecondary Leadership, Science and Mathematics Education, Special Education, Sport Coaching and Leadership, or Technology and Learning.
  4. Additional credits in courses approved by the MAED advisor to complete the 30 credit minimum. Students are able to pursue a second concentration area with a 9-credit minimum or utilize prior applicable course work at MSU or another institution, pending advisor approval.
  5. Successful completion and exhibition of an online portfolio (accomplished in ED 870).