Global Projects & Perspectives

Today’s researchers and professionals must appreciate and understand their work within the context of a global society. The College of Education at Michigan State University is committed to preparing educators, leaders and health professionals who embrace learning from diverse perspectives, and to engaging with domestic and international partners in ways that promote understanding about issues, policies and practices around the world.

Major priorities include:

  • Efforts to internationalize curriculum and teaching
  • Research that is international in scope
  • Outreach projects that extend beyond the country and continent
  • International study trips and exchange programs

A catalyst for global thinking

The Office of International Studies in Education provides a wealth of resources and information about how students, faculty and programs reflect global perspectives.

Opportunities for students

The College of Education is home to international students from around the world and develops opportunities for students to gain global experiences and competencies—no matter where they are from.

Global Education Engagement (GEE)

Building on a history of experience with international partnerships, the Global Education Engagement initiative creates and facilitates professional learning and development opportunities for educators from across the globe. Learn more about how you or a group of colleagues can collaborate with the College of Education to improve your practices.

Higher Education Career Development Initiative (HECDI)

In September 2021, MSU signed a four-year, $2M USAID award for the Higher Education Career Development Initiative project in Mozambique.  The project is a collaborative partnership with three in-country universities (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Instituto Superior Politecnico De Manica, and Universidade Pungue) aimed at increasing access to quality employability services through the development of sustainable Career Development Centers at these higher education institutions.  More on this project here

Transforming Higher Education Systems (THES)

In October 2022, MSU signed a five-year, $17M USAID award for the Transforming Higher Education Systems project in Malawi.  The project will work with the higher education (HE) system in Malawi to expand the nation’s pool of skilled and employable workforce to spur economic prosperity and self-reliance and enhance the country’s resilience to shocks.  The project is committed to addressing gender, equity, and social inclusion needs for all Malawi youth and focusing on sustainable, systemic capacity development. Read more about this project here