Empowering Teachers to Enhance Adolescents’ Motivation for Science

The Empowering Teachers to Enhance Adolescents’ Motivation for Science (E-TEAMS) project shares findings and implications regarding males’ and females’ motivation to learn science with high school science teachers, pre-service science teachers, and science teacher educators.  

The E-TEAMS project shares that information through a book. Resources extending and supporting the material in the book can be found on the E-TEAMS website. 

The resources include:

(a) handouts,
(b) reading materials,
(c) selected web links,
(d) ancillary presentation materials to be used by science educators and for teachers to share with parents, as well as
(e) brief documentary video clips of the teaching practices and activities discussed in the book as they unfold in classrooms and of practicing scientists talking about the important role their high school teachers and parents played in their career choice. 

Book chapter topics are listed in the left column; resources pertaining to those specific topics can be found by clicking on the chapter titles. Resources can also be found by clicking on the links found in the red banner at the top of the page (book, resources, video, …). 

The National Science Foundation funded this diffusion-dissemination project to provide large numbers of science teachers and teacher-educators with the resources they need to understand and influence motivation for science among their students. It is our hope that the book and materials will have substantial effects on instructional practice, course design and curriculum in high school science education. 

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No: HRD-1102925. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.