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Department of Teacher Education

Teacher Education


Department Perspective on Endorsements

The Department of Teacher Education offers a variety of endorsement options for teachers who are looking to add additional endorsements to your teaching certification. If you are a teacher who would like to add additional areas of expertise to your teaching career, the Department of Teacher Education can provide you with various endorsement options such as a reading specialist endorsement or early childhood endorsement, among many others. We will work with you to help you decide what endorsement options will best enhance both your career and your interests.

Guidelines for Additional Teaching Certificate Endorsements

This information is designed primarily for the candidate who intends to add additional subject area endorsements or new levels of certification to an existing elementary or secondary teaching certificate. The holder of an elementary or secondary provisional, permanent, continuing, or professional education certificate may qualify for other certificate endorsements in the following areas: teaching majors and/or minors offered through Michigan State University, early childhood education, general elementary, areas appropriate to secondary grades, special education areas, reading specialist, and school counseling. Candidates for additional endorsements must complete a planned program of coursework approved by a teacher certification advisor or appropriate departmental advisor at MSU and the approved plan must be on file in 134 Erickson Hall. The majority of the credits for an additional endorsement must be taken through MSU. The appropriate Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) subject test(s) must also be passed. Upon completion of the approved plan, candidates must apply for an additional endorsement recommendation through the Student Affairs Office of the College of Education, 134 Erickson Hall.

If you are interested in obtaining additional endorsements to your teaching certificate, contact the Student Affairs Office in 134 Erickson Hall or visit their website.