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Department of Teacher Education

Teacher Education

Research Studies on Teacher Preparation Program

Understanding How Secondary Science Teacher Candidates Learn to Teach via Knowledge, Practice, and Professional Identity

Name: Hosun Kang (

Video-based Response and Revision

Name: Mary Juzwik ( and Samantha Caughlan

Locating the Global through Narrative Histories

Name: Kyle Greenwalt (

Developing a Survey to Assess Outcomes of Teacher Preparation

Name: Alicia Alonzo (, Dorothea Anagnostopoulos, Tom Bird, Samantha Caughlan, and Gary Sykes

Exploring the Effects of Research Experience on Pre-service Secondary Science Teacher Science Ideas and Science Teaching Practice

Name: Amy M Lark (

Using Inquiry to Improve Pedagogy and Build Coherence in an Elementary Literacy Education Program 

Name: Cheryl Rosaen (, Lynne Watanabe (, and Amber Meyer (

Developing a Pedagogy for Writing: Learning Alongside Preservice Teachers

Name: Erin Wibbens (

Entertaining OR Didactic: Pre-service Teachers Confronting Assumptions about Children’s Literature in the Classroom

Name: Kristin McIlhagga (

Applying Research in the Classroom: Beyond a common text 

Name: Laura M. Jiménez

Imagination and Pre-service Teaching

Name: Matthew T. Missias (

Graduate Teaching Assistants and Response-to-Intervention (RTI): Implications for Graduate Teaching Assistant Training

Name: Nai-Cheng Kuo (

Issues in Teacher Preparation and Professional Development for Deep and Open Reading to Learn on the Web

Name: Rand J. Spiro ( and Michael DeSchryver (

Preparing Urban Teachers: What Matters to You?

Name: Rebecca Jacobsen (

Learning to Teach Literacy in Elementary Classrooms: An Ecological Consideration of CT-INT Interactions

Name: Robyn A. Carlson (

Comprehensive, But Not Coherent: Addressing a Contemporary Problem of Practice in Elementary Literacy Education in an Internship Program

Name: Susan Florio-Ruane and Chad H. Waldron (