College of Education Sitemap
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Department of Teacher Education

Teacher Education

Service Learning

Learning Through Service

The Department of Teacher Education at MSU values service learning. We see service learning as an opportunity to better understand children, schools, and communities. This type of learning is one important aspect of our teacher preparation program and many courses require students to complete various hours of service learning in diverse environments (e.g., tutoring programs in schools, community refugee center). Not only does service learning give back to the local and state communities that support our teacher education students and program, but it is also a time for students to familiarize themselves with diverse communities around campus. Service learning allows our students to develop the ability to work within and across a range of community and professional contexts.

Service-Learning Center

The Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, located in the Student Services Building on campus, has lists of volunteer opportunities appropriate for education majors. Volunteer placements are in classrooms with youth groups and tutoring programs. This is a great way to get experience with learners!

Read to Succeed program

Read to Succeed/MSU Student Literacy Corps:
Contact: Pat Williams
(517) 420-1849 or (517) 485-4949
Visit 347 Erickson Hall

East Lansing Public Schools
Tutoring grades 9-12

Lansing School District
Tutoring and afterschool volunteers, K-12

Refugee Development Center

The Greater Lansing area is home to a large population of refugees from all corners of the world. Many of these individuals have suffered grave injustices and lived in places where they had little to no control over their lives. They have lost family, friends, homes and entire communities to greed.