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Travel Forms and Information

Travel forms and information are available at the CITE website (current students/forms/travel preauthorization).
Please be sure to read through this because it is important information.

Travel pre-authorization form should be filled out and sent to me electronically. If possible, keep this in the excel format. Only ONE travel per authorization. Peter will review these and I need his approval before I can process any reimbursement. If you have not heard from one of us that your travel has been approved, you can check with me to see. All students except first year students must have a current annual review on file or they do not qualify for any travel. I no longer need any email authorization for travel that is for attending (not presenting).

If you are considering driving to your conference, be sure to read the section on “Airfare Equivalency Worksheet.” This worksheet must (I repeat must) be filled out prior to your travel. If flying is cheaper than driving, MSU will only reimburse what it would have cost to fly. You need to get these airfare quotes before you travel. This is confusing so call me if you need help.

Travel Reimbursement Worksheet. Like I said earlier, please do not stress over this one. Fill out what you can and leave the rest. Send this electronically to me. Then send or bring me your receipts.

Receipts–If in doubt, save it. We especially need receipts that prove you had a travel expense and you paid it. Example, most online airfare will send you an email confirmation of your flight which includes your itinerary (dates of travel, starting point, ending point, etc) and also includes confirmation that you paid (your name, address sometimes, the bill total, and the last 4 digits of your credit card). This is a perfect receipt. It tells the travel office who you are and where you went and how much you paid.

If you have any questions, feel free to stop by or email/call.

Program Secretary
Graduate Admissions for Teacher Education
301F Erickson Hall
College of Education
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517-432-7705
Fax: 517-432-5092
Masters Email: matc@msu.edu
Doctoral Email: cite@msu.edu