Applying for Certification

Applying for an initial Standard Teaching Certificate, Additional Certificate Endorsement, Career Technical Education, School Administrator Certificate, Preliminary School Psychologist License, Preliminary School Psychologist License Renewal or School Psychologist License is a two-step process (please refer to instructions for the two-step process below). These certificates, endorsements and licenses require a recommendation from MSU.

As of September 1, 2013, candidates apply for renewals of the Standard Certificate, the Professional Certificate and renewals of the Professional Certificate only through MOECS (see instructions for using MOECS below). These certificates do not require a recommendation from MSU.

Two-Step Process:

  1. Submit materials required by the MSU Certification Office through the MSU online application (click on the appropriate application link below), and
  2. Initiate an application with the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) using the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS).

These two steps can be completed in either order or concurrently; however, both steps must be completed before the new certificate or endorsement can be issued. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. 

  1. Initiate a Certification Application Using MOECS (leads to external Michigan Department of Education site)
  2. MSU Certification Applications

For certificates, endorsements and licenses that require a recommendation from MSU, MSU requires:

  • Enrollment as an undergraduate, graduate, Graduate Certification or Graduate Lifelong Education student at Michigan State University
  • Completion of the required program, with the majority of credits earned through MSU (coursework taken through other teacher preparation institutions requires prior approval from a teacher certification advisor)
  • Submission of completed MSU online application for the desired teaching certificate and/or additional endorsement

Standard Teaching Certificate

Candidates are recommended for the initial Michigan teaching certificate after they have completed all requirements for MSU’s teacher preparation program, including the post-graduate internship. The Standard Certificate is valid for a period of five years; during that time, the certificate holder is expected to gain experience as a practicing teacher and complete academic requirements for the next level of certification.

 View the MSU Application for Standard Certificate.

Additional Endorsement to a valid Michigan Teaching Certificate

Holders of valid standard, permanent, continuing or professional teaching certificates can add endorsements that qualify them to teach additional populations, grade levels and/or subjects by completing an approved course of study and passing the relevant Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC).

 View the MSU Application for an Additional Endorsement to a MI teaching certificate.

School Administrator Base Certificate

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE with Elementary/Secondary Endorsements: Applicants who are eligible may apply for the School Base Administrator Certificate with Elementary and Secondary Endorsements (these three credentials are bundled). To be eligible for a recommendation for the School Administrator Certificate with Elementary/Secondary Endorsements through MSU, an applicant must have completed (a) an approved master’s degree in K‐12 Administration at MSU with an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and a passing score on the program exit exams, or (b) a relevant master’s degree and an approved 21‐credit core administrative studies program at MSU with an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and a passing score on the program exit exams.

 Applicants who are eligible may apply for the School Administrator Base Certificate with the Central Office Endorsement. To be eligible for a recommendation for the School Administrator Base Certificate through MSU, an applicant must have completed a Michigan Department of Education-approved program completed at MSU. At this time, only the Ed.D. degree program has received approval. An internship is not required for the Ed.D. program; however, graduates who seek to earn the School Administrator Base Certificate with the Central Office endorsement must complete the internship or complete the waiver process through the K-12 Educational Administration department.

 View the MSU application for School Administrator certificate.