Planned Program Options at MSU

The initial teaching certificate (the Provisional Certificate) is valid for 6 years. At the end of that period, the certificate holder may apply for theĀ Professional CertificateĀ if he or she has met the requirements. If requirements have not been met, he or she may apply for a 3-yearĀ Renewal of the Provisional Certificate.Ā If no action is taken, the Provisional Certificate will expire. A second, and final, renewal of the Provisional Certificate is also available.Ā The second renewal is also valid for a period of 3 years.Ā  Requirements for a first renewal are 9 recent and relevant credits earned in a planned program after initial certification. Requirements for a second renewal are 18 (9+9) recent and relevant credits earned in a planned program after initial certification.Ā Additional requirements for the Professional Certificate include at least 3 years of successful teaching in one or more areas in which the applicant is certified and satisfaction ofĀ Michiganā€™s reading requirements.

The purpose of a planned program is to enhance a teacherā€™s professional development as an educator and to provide additional depth in his or her content area(s). Therefore, coursework must be recent and relevant. Courses should be in areas directly related to teacher education, the subject area(s) in which the certificate holder is already certified, or a new area that the teacher intends to add to his or her certificate. In general, coursework in teacher education (TE), special education (CEP), educational psychology (CEP), educational technology (CEP), K-12 administration (EAD), or the candidateā€™s area(s) of certification is acceptable and does not require prior approval. Coursework outside these areas requires prior approval from a teacher certification advisor in 134 Erickson Hall. In most cases, coursework must have been completed within the past five years. 

Three planned program options are available through MSU: 

  • A master’s degree earned after initial certification is considered a planned program. Ā However, master’s degrees earned (1) prior to certification as a teacher, (2) in subject areas different from those in which the certificate holder is certified to teach, or (3) from graduate programs outside MSU’s College of Education require prior approval from a teacher certification advisor in 134 Erickson Hall. For example, master’s degrees in Law, Theology, and Medicine cannot be applied toward teacher certification at MSU. A masterā€™s degree in a subject like Youth Development requires prior approval.Ā The specific coursework required for a masterā€™s degree is planned with an advisor in the graduate program.
  • An additional endorsement program is a planned program designed to prepare the certificate holder to teach additional student populations, grade levels, or subjects (seeĀ Additional Endorsements). An endorsement plan is developed in consultation with an advisor in the relevant academic department and a teacher certification advisor in 134 Erickson Hall.Ā In addition to completing the coursework required for the additional endorsement, the certificate holder must pass the correspondingĀ Michigan Test for Teacher CertificationĀ (MTTC) before the endorsement can be added. Coursework taken to add an endorsement can be used to qualify for the Professional Certificate, but only after all coursework requirements have been met and the MTTC has been passed. Coursework taken to add an endorsement can be used to renew the Provisional Certificate, but only if an approved endorsement plan is on file in 134 Erickson Hall.Ā 
  • An individual planned program is developed in consultation with a teacher certification advisor in 134 Erickson Hall and, when appropriate, an advisor in a relevant academic department. At least one-half of the credits must be from MSU courses. Generally, courses must meet the following conditions to be used in a planned program.
    • Courses must be in teacher education (TE), special education (CEP), educational psychology (CEP), educational technology (CEP), K-12 administration (EAD), or the candidateā€™s area(s) of certification; for example, a certified mathematics teacher would be encouraged to take additional coursework in mathematics; however, coursework in the History of Music, regardless of how interesting and personally valuable, is not likely to be approved as part of a planned program for a mathematics teacher. Coursework in majors such as Youth Development requires prior approval from a teacher certification advisor in 134 Erickson Hall.
    • Independent Studies require a signed Independent Study Agreement that includes a description, and Special Topics courses require syllabi.
    • Courses must be at the 500-level or above.
    • Courses must be taken through an accredited four-year teacher preparation institution and appear on the official transcript of that institution (courses from community colleges are not acceptable for an individual planned program); and
    • Courses mustĀ notĀ have been part of the applicant’s initial teacher certification program (e.g., TE 150, 250, 301, 401, 402, 407, 408, 501, 502, 801, 802, 803 & 804 or required disciplinary subject coursework).

To be recommended for certification by MSU, an applicant must have an overall GPA of at least 2.5 and a GPA of at least 2.5 in the coursework required for the new endorsement, with no single grade lower than 2.0. Teachers with Graduate Certification (GC) status are expected to maintain a GPA of at least 3.0, and a minimum GPA of 3.0 is required to receive Financial Aid.

Individuals working on planned programs have severalĀ enrollment options.Ā  For information about MSU course offerings, please visit MSUā€™sĀ Schedule of Courses.