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Forever Forward Legacy

Forever Forward Legacy

Intended Impact

The Forever Forward Legacy Endowed Scholarship endowed by the College of Education Alumni Board will financially support students through scholarships from each of the four departments and the teaching internship program within the College of Education. Through the Forever Forward Scholarship, these scholarships will be made available to students into perpetuity.

The scholarship will seek deserving students who embody the qualities of high scholarship, leadership, and respect for diversity. It will allow student recipients to engage with future learners in the spirit of the nation’s first land-grant University and its ideals.

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Why Forever Forward Legacy?

The College of Education Alumni Board recognizes the need for a self-sustaining fund to provide educational support through scholarships to students in the College of Education into perpetuity. The name, Forever Forward, was developed and chosen with that in mind. As College of Education alumni drive teaching, learning, health and wellness in their communities and the world that can also be reflected supporting of future leaders in education and kinesiology. As an alumnus or a friend of the college, you can forever impact the lives of countless students by supporting the Forever Forward Legacy Endowed Scholarship Fund.

MSU Union building

Who created Forever Forward Legacy?

The College of Education Alumni Board of Directors (Alumni Board) has a long history of enhancing support and promotion for the college, current and future students, faculty, and friends. For over 25 years, the Alumni Board has provided leadership and programs on behalf of the nearly 59,000 Spartan education and kinesiology alumni.

Because of the changing landscape of teaching and learning, physical activity and educational research, use of technology, teacher education and school reform in our communities and around the world – The College of Education Alumni Board of Directors has committed to further support the lives of future educators by creating an endowed scholarship fund, The Forever Forward Legacy Endowed Scholarship Fund.

Kiva classroom photo

Alumni Board Members 2022-2023

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Today’s students need educators who understand how to prioritize all aspects of teaching and learning with attention to health and wellness, building strong communities and care of the environment. Scholarship support for students will better allow them to prioritize those needs for themselves, so they can model and have the space they need to adapt and develop innovative strategies they can carry into their future classrooms. As a 1st-generation college student and former 5th-year scholarship recipient, I can attest to how great this financial support can impact the ability to deeply reflect upon and gain from an educational experience. For this reason, I am now working to pay it forward… forever!


Alumni Board Member

Forever Forward Legacy Honor Roll


FOREVER FORWARD – $5,000 – $9,999

  • Melody Pierce, Ph.D.

FOREVER SPARTAN – $1,000 – $4,999

  • Prof. Adam M. Alessio and Ms. Andrea Ray Alessio
  • Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Roberta Biby
  • Mr. Paul and Mrs. Barbara Brickner
  • Mr. Kenneth Broekema, Jr. and Mrs. Susan Broekama
  • Mr. Robert and Mrs. Susan Chapla
  • Ms. Mallory DePrekel
  • Mr. Andrew Elms & Ms. Stephanie Livingston
  • Mr. Alan and Mrs. Kathleen Ferraro
  • Dr. Larry Fleming
  • Mr. Richard and Mrs. Suzanne Fleming
  • Mr. Robert and Mrs. R. Carol Hansen
  • Drs. Richard E. and Jill L Hoehlein
  • Jerlando F. L. Jackson, Ph.D.
  • Mrs. Frances Kane
  • Mr. Brad and Mrs. Brooke Larm
  • Ms. Margaret Malone
  • Mitsugi Nakashima, Ed.D. and Mrs. Marjorie Nakashima
  • Mr. Michael and Mrs. Veronica O’Connor
  • Ms. Tonya Porter
  • Joyce Putnam, Ph.D.
  • Mr. Josef and Mrs. Susan Ruth
  • Dr. Anne-Marie Sladewski
  • Mrs. Norma Stone
  • Mr. Dale Weekley, Sr.
  • Judy Werner, Ph.D.

FOREVER MSU – $500 – $999

  • Dr. Ann Austin-Beck and Prof. John Beck
  • Mr. Paul and Mrs. Linda Brazda
  • Mr. Edward and Mrs. Margaret Clarke
  • Mrs. Janet Fisher and Prof. David Fisher
  • Mr. Jarrod and Mrs. Becky Girling
  • Richard Hamersma, Ph.D.
  • Mr. Richard and Mrs. Mary Hughes
  • Mr. Andre and Mrs. Donna Leeds
  • Mrs. Patricia Liu
  • Mrs. Roberta Morey
  • Ms. Debra Ralston
  • Charles Reep, USN, Ret. and Mrs. Marjorie Reep
  • Mr. Richard Richardson, Jr.
  • Mrs. Sandra Wriggelsworth and The Honorable Gene Wriggelsworth
  • Mrs. Jane Zatechka

FOREVER GREEN & WHITE – $100 – $499

  • Mrs. Carol Adams
  • Mrs. Pauline Alex
  • Mr. Alex and Mrs. Judith Allie
  • Mrs. Judith Alwin
  • Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Eugenie Bank
  • Mr. David and Mrs. Susanne Banks
  • Mr. John and Mrs. Victoria Barrett
  • Ahnalee Brincks, Ph.D. and Nicholas Myers, Ph.D.
  • Mr. Reniero and Mrs. Blanca Araoz
  • Mr. Gary and Mrs. Jane Beaudoin
  • Mr. James Beers and Mrs. Donna Beers-Moray
  • Glenda Belote, Ph.D.
  • Miss. Dale Berry
  • Mr. John and Mrs. Gail Biscoe
  • Timothy Bodnar, M.D., and Mrs. Kaarina Bodnar
  • Mr. Sidney and Ms. Taun Bogan
  • Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Margaret Bond
  • Mr. David and Mrs. Mary Bouck
  • Mr. Otto and Mrs. Jodie Brannum
  • Mrs. Doris Brafford
  • James Breisch, D.D.S., and Mrs. Barbara Breisch
  • Ms. Amy Brewer
  • Dr. Cameron Brunet-Koch and Mr. Bruce Koch Jr.
  • Ms. Ellen Burns
  • Dr. Steven and Mrs. Barbara Bursian
  • Ms. Amy Brewer
  • Mr. Paul Brown and Ms. Patricia Grimley
  • Mrs. Jane Bryce
  • Mr. Charles and Mrs. Neil Byrd
  • John Caldwell, Ph.D. and Mrs. Sandra Caldwell
  • Horlin Carter, Sr., Ph.D.
  • Ms. Diana Catallo-Porter
  • Mr. Richard and Mrs. Judith Chapman
  • Ms. Constance Cooper
  • Ms. Lynn Cooper
  • Dr. Michael Comer and Mrs. Anne Strayer Comer
  • Ms. Sharon Conroy
  • Mr. Barry and Mrs. Joanne Coutuier
  • Mrs. Betty-Ann Craven
  • Mrs. Patricia Cummings
  • Diane Dahm and Jay Smith
  • Mrs. Patricia Danly
  • Mr. Charles and Mrs. Patricia DeBoer, Jr.
  • Mrs. Stacey Denewith-Fici and Mr. Jason Fici
  • Mr. Tom and Mrs. Sandy Denewith
  • Gary Denslow, M.D., and Mrs. Lorma Denslow
  • Ms. Lisa Desautels-Poliquin
  • Mr. James Detwiler and Mrs. Mary Vrbanac-Detwiler
  • Ms. Catherine Dommer
  • Mrs. Barbara Drury
  • Reverend James Dugan and Mrs. Sandra Dugan
  • Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Margaret Dye
  • Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Margaret Dyer
  • Mrs. Courtney Eichhorn
  • Mr. James and Mrs. Susan Eldridge
  • Alberta Ellis, Ph.D.
  • Mr. Andrew Elms
  • Mr. Michael and Mrs. Barbara Eva
  • Mrs. Michelina Falcitelli-Plesco
  • Dr. Linda Farley
  • Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Kathryn Faturos
  • Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Laura Fenger
  • Mr. Richard, Mrs. Theresa and Ms. Amanda Field
  • Mr. George and Mrs. Wendy Fletcher
  • Stefan Fletcher, Ph.D.
  • Mr. Dustin Ford and Ms. Tara Yeske
  • Ms. Laurie Foster
  • Mrs. Mary Lou French
  • Mrs. Joanne Fuller
  • Mr. John and Ms. Marilyn Gage
  • Mr. Harold and Mrs. Michele Gary
  • Dr. Christian and Mrs. Patricia Geltz
  • Mrs. Maureen Genel
  • Mr. Robert and Mrs. Elizabeth Gifford
  • Ms. Mary Gillooly
  • Mrs. Patricia Gitersonke
  • Mr. Thomas Goodale
  • Mr. David and Mrs. Camille Grabb
  • Mr. Peter and Mrs. Kathryn Graf
  • Mr. Ronald Green
  • Mr. Justin Grinnell
  • Mr. Robert and Mrs. Patricia Groeschner
  • Mrs. Anne Gross
  • Mrs. Margery Guinther
  • Mr. David Hales and Mrs. Jeannine Donigan-Hales
  • Erica Hamilton, Ph.D. and Mr. Timothy Hamilton
  • Mrs. Jennifer Hammond
  • Bruce Harger, Ph.D. and Linda Harger
  • Ms. Sara Harper
  • Ms. Jane Ann Harrell and Ms. Judith Pick
  • Ms. Patricia Hawkins
  • Mrs. Kay Higby
  • Mr. Randolph and Mrs. Marie Hill
  • Mr. Richard Hillman and Mrs. Barbara Burby-Hillman
  • Mrs. Katherine Holzer
  • Mr. Thomas Hollingsworth
  • Anna Hope, Ph.D. and Mr. Timothy Hope
  • Mrs. Susan Horsley
  • Mrs. Imogene Horton
  • Mr. Allen Huang
  • Mrs. Verle Hughes
  • Ms. Jane Huhn
  • Mrs. Diane Hussey
  • Alice Jacobs, Ph.D. and Mr. Darrel Jacobs
  • Mrs. Monica Jaccaud
  • Elizabeth Jensen and Mrs. Christopher Jensen
  • Mr. Gunnard and Mrs. Anne Johnson
  • Mrs. Joan Kamm
  • Mr. Rahul, Mr. Yogendra, and Mrs. Smita Katbamna
  • Mr. Robert and Mrs. Mary Keller
  • Mrs. Norma Kilpatrick
  • Ms. Cameo King
  • Mrs. Janet King
  • Barbara Klobach, Ph.D.
  • Mrs. Dixie Knoebel
  • Mr. Gary Knowlton
  • Mr. Stanley Kogut, Jr. and Mrs. Karen Kogut
  • Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Theresa Kopec
  • Mr. Jan and Mrs. Nancy Krause
  • Mr. Craig and Mrs. Laura Kueffner
  • Mrs. Byrona Kuester
  • Margaret La Fleur, Ph.D.
  • Mr. William and Mrs. Darlene Lahaie
  • Mr. Peter and Diane Lambrecht
  • Ms. Karen Leinaar
  • Le Roy Mabery, Ph.D. and Mrs. Hazel Mabery
  • Mr. Michael Madalinski
  • Mrs. Jennifer Maiorano and Sean Maiorano, D.O.
  • Mr. Michael and Mrs. Darlene Malone
  • Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Donna Mansfield
  • Mr. Paul Mariuzza
  • Mr. Randall and Mrs. Sharri Ann Margraves
  • Mrs. Dorothy Martin
  • Mrs. Jane Mazei
  • Mr. John and Mrs. Julie McAllister, Jr.
  • Mr. Michael and Mrs. Nancy McCoy
  • Mr. John and Mrs. Sandra McRae
  • Mr. Philip and Mrs. Ann Mease
  • Father George Michalek
  • Mr. John Miles
  • John Millar, Ph.D. and Mrs. Joyce Millar
  • Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Linda Miller
  • Ms. Ashley Murphy
  • Kenneth Musson, M.D. and Mrs. Patricia Musson
  • Mr. Willie Neal, Jr.
  • Mr. David and Mrs. Jane Neese
  • Mrs. Barbara Nelson
  • Mr. David and Mrs. Kristine Olson
  • Mr. Fredric and Mrs. Mildred Overeem
  • Linda Patriarca, Ph.D.
  • Mr. Walter and Mrs. Amy Peebles
  • Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Judith Penrod
  • Mr. Michael and Ms. Brenda Peterman
  • Mrs. Carol Peterson
  • Mrs. Holly Plamondon
  • Mrs. Chloe Polzin
  • Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Shannon Powers
  • Mr. Kenneth Prange, Jr. and Mrs. Karla Prange
  • Mr. Robert and Mrs. Lucinda Pratt
  • Mr. Thomas and Sharron Pridgeon
  • Mr. Steven Rausch and Ms. Nicole Fisher
  • Mrs. Jean Reeth
  • Ms. Marcia Rice
  • Mrs. Heidi Ross
  • Mrs. Nancy Russ
  • Mr. James and Mrs. Mary Ellen Ryder
  • Ms. Karen Salmon
  • Mr. Frank and Mrs. Darlene Scozzafave
  • Mr. Gary Schaub and Mrs. Joyce Sherwood Schaub
  • Mr. James Schavey
  • Ms. Ruth Schmidt
  • Ms. Jessica Schwarz
  • Dr. Sharon Senk
  • Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Margaret Serwell
  • John Shattuck, Ph.D. and Joan Shattuck
  • Mr. Randy and Mrs. Catherine Simmons
  • Mrs. Joanne Smetanka Rohrs
  • Mr. James Smith
  • Mrs. Julie Smith
  • Mr. Ryan Smith and Ms. Abigail Johnson
  • Dr. Alan Smith and Mrs. Sarah Hatfield Smith
  • Ms. Melanie Snodgrass
  • Mr. Gordon Snow
  • Mr. Robert and Mrs. Diane Steeh
  • Mr. Lester and Mrs. Jacquelyn Stiner
  • Mr. Clifford and Mrs. Lucia Storr
  • Mr. Eric Sturdy, Jr. and Mrs. Jennifer Sturdy
  • Ms. Mary Swinkey
  • Mrs. Marguerite Teschke
  • Mrs. Cynthia Thoen
  • Mr. Frederick Thornburg and Mrs. Janice Parker-Thornburg
  • Mr. Robert and Mrs. Linda Tolfree
  • Ms. Lindsay Trainham
  • Ms. Sharon Wells
  • Mr. Ernest Toplis and Ms. Julie Winkelstern
  • Ms. Li-Li Tu
  • Mrs. Colleen Tyson
  • Mr. Ross Vandercook and The Honorable Susan Vandercook
  • Ms. Barbara Vanderveen
  • Steven Viger, Ph.D. and Andrea Jackson
  • Mrs. Lee Villarreal
  • Mr. Lloyd and Mrs. Judy Wepman
  • Mr. Melvin Wheeler, Jr.
  • Cecil Williams, Ph.D. and Mrs. Elizabeth Williams
  • Mrs. Arlene Wilson-Gegenheimer
  • Mr. Robert and Mrs. Valorie Wiltsie
  • Mr. Kalfred Wong, Jr.
  • Mrs. Shirley Wydra
  • Geoffrey Yager, Ph.D.
  • Ms. Candace Zann
  • Mrs. Donna Zeiger

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620 Farm Lane, Room 202 Erickson Hall
East Lansing, MI
P: (517) 432-3885