How You Can Help

Your Gifts Provide:

  • Student support in the form of scholarships and fellowships
  • Faculty support through endowed chairs and other positions
  • Programmatic support to expand and enhance our academic programs and outreach capacity
  • Unrestricted support for the college

Discretionary Funds

Thousands of alumni and friends choose to support the college-wide discretionary fund each year. Discretionary funds help sustain academic programs, faculty development, the college’s information technology infrastructure and other current needs. The purpose of these discretionary funds is to help bridge the gap between appropriated funds and what is needed in order to provide the very best educational experience. They also help support “extra dimension” programs and special projects for students and faculty that otherwise could not be offered.

Many donors to the college designate their gifts to support our students in the form of scholarships and fellowships and other types of student support. Donors may choose to financially support students by establishing anĀ endowed fundĀ which allows the donor the opportunity to name the fund and to specifically identify the types of students they wish to support. Donors may also provide student support by contributing to an existingĀ endowed fundĀ or simply through a gift to theĀ Dean’s Excellence FundĀ which provides financial support for College of Education students.

College of Education Discretionary Funds

Endowed Funds

To learn more, visit our College of Education endowments page.