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Department of Educational Administration

Education Policy Forum

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The Education Policy Forum provides a space for collecting and disseminating research by Michigan State University scholars on policy issues affecting education. This includes briefs, working papers, reports and blogs published by MSU in connection to faculty and students in the Education Policy PhD program and through the former Education Policy Center.


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Fact Sheet (Infographic)

Related Policy BriefDoes Money Matter in Education? Reconsidering an Old Question with Reference to Michigan


Briefs provide short, research-based perspectives on specific issues related to education policy of interest to policy makers.

Working Papers

Working Papers present ongoing research by faculty associates on a variety of topics related to education policy. These conference papers, public presentations, or early drafts of journal articles are meant to engage and enrich ongoing discussions and debates on important education issues at the local, state, and national levels.

Green & Write blog

The pace of change in education today is swift. Trying to keep up, even for those who make education reform their main business, is a challenge. Green & Write is a blog through which faculty and students from the Michigan State University College of Education share insights about education policy with a broad audience.

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Education Policy center archive

For nearly 20 years, the Education Policy Center at Michigan State University helped to inform decision-making at the state, national and international levels by providing research findings and data on key issues in education policy. The center has discontinued but the impact of its work remains.

Learn more about the former Education Policy Center ›